Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sightseeing in the Jackson Hole area.....

We haven't been spending all of our time hiking or biking. Hahaha. One rainy day we took a walk through the center of Jackson Hole, and did a little shopping and exploring in some galleries. There are great art galleries here in Jackson. The magnificent painting I had my eye on was $40,000. It was too big for the motorhome though, so we decided not to get it. Seriously, the paintings and sculptures were amazing and we really enjoyed browsing the art galleries.
the iconic Jackson Hole tourist photo shot
oh here comes my ride now
I was here in Jackson Hole too!
shopping on this raw day
lots of wildlife everywhere
here too
 The park in the center of town is the classic tourist photo shoot, as is the stage coach near the square. Honestly, I would have loved to have gone for a little ride in the stage coach, but after the art galleries, I thought that would be pushing it with Tom. Hahahah.

oh, there goes my ride again.....wait!
this gallery was great!
you are allowed to sit here!
this one's my favorite....Abe!
Since our time in the area is quickly coming to an end, we toured all the places we said we'd see "tomorrow". The Church of the Transfiguration is one of those places.  There is something special about this church...the starkness inside and then that magnificent view from the altar that rings true for me.
the little church
my kind of church 
look at that altar!
very small church
just 2 stained glass pictures near the door

here's the other one
Not too many steps away from the church, a trail leads to Menor's Ferry and General Store area. You can read more about it here. This fellow had a general store, and sold supplies to homesteaders in the area. His brother had a limestone business across the river. He had a ferry to get things and people across the snake river. Menor charged for everything, so if you had to cross the river to get supplies, you paid for it. We also passed this area on a raft ride a couple of weeks ago! The guide did not speak highly of Menor.

General actual store!
the cabin attached
pretty rustic
Mom, didn't we shop here when I was a kid?
nice chair
is it safe?
more of the cabin
a replica of the ferry
rafters floating on by
Snake River
cable across the water for winter crossing of the river
there's a stagecoach now!
cabin where it was decided to make Teton a national park
decided right here
winter comes early

I liked this cabin!
I think Tom did too!
Later in the morning, we went to Gros Ventre (pronounced Grow Vant), another beautiful area. We passed by the campground, which is really large, and headed towards Slide Lake. For more information on that, click here and here. The views along the way were fabulous, and a little different yet again. Our camping neighbor had seen a moose family here, so we were looking luck.

exploring this area
the look is different
the river...looking for you know what!
no moose
good fishing here
fall is coming
campground...its huge...360 sites
nice view
heading to Slide Lake
visitor info
pretty area
lots of nice scenery
the river
smell that pine?
 We eventually reached Slide Lake. This lake formed when there was a rock slide  that went from one side of the mountain to the other. The rock slide dammed the Gros Ventre River and Slide Lake was born. You can see from the pictures the "balds" on the front of the mountain on the far side of the lake. The "slide" went all the way to this side of the road, where you can see the red rocks and the rumpled rock formations. All this happened in a matter of minutes. Nature!
almost there
part of the slide

this was the end of the slide

close up
to the lake?
we turned around
this is where the rock slide started
this is where it pushed the rocks to!
and the lake formed from the river being dammed

see the rock slide area where it started (on the far side of the lake behind me)
beautiful lake!
scenic drive back
there is the "bald" where the rock slide started....took minutes...that's all
close up
 We also noted FALL is in the air!! The weather was cool, crisp and windy....and there is a lot of color sprouting each day! Nature puts on a beautiful show!

great views coming back
looks badland-ish
isn't that pretty?
not sure if this is a warm spring
its the only place we saw that lime green growth
no one ventured in, so maybe not
picturesque, huh? 
still looks a mural

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