Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just rolling along.........

The Jackson Hole area is very biker friendly, which we love. Its always great to be able to ride bikes safely, and in such a scenic area.Wow! We are taking advantage of that! There is a segment of bike trail goes from Wilson to Teton Village, and is about a 7 mile very pleasant ride. We added some mileage by riding around Wilson too, which was fun. 

We parked in a huge parking lot to start our ride. This is part of the Jackson Hole Community Pathway system that travels from Wilson to Teton Village. There is a biker's bridge being built, and a continuation of the bikeway leading right into Jackson Hole, but it is being built now. It will be awesome when completed. 

perfect weather
great views
The bike ride was very scenic, as usual for this area of the country. We passed many lodges, restaurants, ranches, and neighborhoods on our ride. In the background, the mountains! AAhhhh. Just beautiful!
enjoying the shade
what? Bears here too?
We rode by a little plaza, that looked fairly new and not too commercial, and by the Athletic Club was Teton Crossfit. Just sayin' Chris!

perfect place for advertising - on the trail
We rode on a perfect day...the temperature was great but the sun was a bit hot. There was a slight breeze, making the conditions absolutely perfect in my book!

staying hydrated in the altitude
isn't that lovely
heading to Teton Village up ahead a few miles
Ultimately, we ended up at Teton Village. Tom was checking out the tram and the trails. I think he is planning another long vertical hike in the near future. HHmmm.

Look Susie-I want to hike that trail
Tram to the top
There were a bunch of cows on the other side of the street. I had my camera in my hand, and as we were winging by I snapped this guy with the white face. He is the only one that bothered to look up as we rode by! Hahaha.
As we approached Teton Village, there were a few horses grazing near the bike path. The white one was trying really hard to catch a snack on the other side of the fence. I think he was successful!

don't disturb the snacker

uh...you have something in your teeth
Teton Village
Once we got to Teton Village, we were looking for a place to eat our lunch. There was a beautiful area with picnic tables (and no restaurant associated with it), so we sat down and relaxed. Somewhere nearby is paragliding, and we watched a few brave souls sail through the air. We also watched the tram. Its so quiet that if you aren't watching, you don't realize its there because you don't hear it at all. So, we had a really nice spot to enjoy our lunch!

checking out the tram
great lunch today!
pretty fancy for the lunchbag!

the peaches are just great lately too
Isn't this a scenic ride? Tom was laughing at me because I came up next to him with my camera in my hand and snapped away as we were riding. I do that frequently. He's waiting for me to fall off my bike one of these days.....ahhahaha.

great picture! very scenic!
Someone's butt may have started to hurt a bit after 12 miles or so. We enjoyed seeing the moose cutouts along the path. I think they are meant for drivers to be aware of moose! We didn't see any, but its supposed to be quite a moose-y area.  So the total ride, with the side trip to the town of Wilson, where we may have sat down on the patio at a little deli and shared a giant cookie.....was about 17 miles. It was such a nice day!

butt hurt?
For you Chris....
watch out!
The next day, we woke up to another winner. Tom decided it was a good day to hike Ampitheater, which is about a 10 mile round trip, over steep switchbacks to 2 alpine lakes. Its a very popular hike (for those ok with the heights). If you want, you can check out pictures of his hike on his webpage here. While he had fun with that, I went on a nice long bike ride from Jenny Lake to Moose Visitor Center. I didn't take any pics, since I've posted the views from that ride on a previous post. The bike path goes along the base of the mountains and is just stunning. Its about a 14 mile or so round trip. Just beautiful!

I spent some time at Moose Visitor Center, and also hanging out at Jenny Lake, while waiting to pick Tom up from the trailhead parking lot. I met many nice people....I don't know, people are very friendly and strike up conversations everywhere I go alone. Makes life interesting.  I got to the parking lot at the trailhead about an hour before we were scheduled to meet up, and sat in the shade knitting, enjoying the breeze and the quiet. After about 5 minutes, I recognized the footsteps....Tom was done already with his hike and we were on our way.

On our way back home, we stopped at Dornan's..... a place highly recommended by the locals....to have pizza on the deck overlooking the mountains and the Snake River. We were starving, so we had wings too! It was nice just hanging out on the deck up there too....Another terrific day! We are so lucky!

hiking solo on the Ampitheater Trail
stuffing our faces at Dornan's
sooo good...not too cheesy!
what a nice view!
cool pic, huh?


  1. Still Lovin your blog and pictures! You all are awesome hikers!!
    Mary from Perry

  2. Glad you like the blog/pics! We live in a beautiful country!
