Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cascade Canyon......

WOW! I'm so thrilled to be blogging about this particular hike as I never in a million years would have thought I'd be able to do it. Due to my crazy fear of heights, I will never climb up to Inspiration Point, to connect with Cascade Canyon. However, Tom is so wonderful....he checked it out for me (actually walked down it when he did his Lake Solitude hike) and there was a horse trail that goes AROUND it....with no shear drop off's. Oh, its a steep hike all right, but its doesn't have those scary (to me) trails along the edge of a cliff. As luck would have it, the trail is closed during the week as the park service is working on the trail, and only open on weekends until Labor Day. Then its closed for the season and the only way up  would be Inspiration Point and I'd be out of luck. So....lucky me....with a wonderful hubby that checked it out for me....and perfect timing as far as construction goes....was able to do the hike on the last possible day the trail was open for the season....Labor Day!

the day started out with thick fog in the valley
nice and sunny by the time we got to the boat
we took the ferry across
passed this "wildlife"
I'm so excited for this awesome hike
nice refreshing ride across the was pretty chilly-around 40
steppin' away from the dock...
here we go....starting the trail
yup...this is the way
this is the horse trail actually
nice display of fungi
nicely wooded trail
so far so good
more 'shrooms
hearing voices! no...its the climbers over there're gonna love this!
so far its a beautiful trail
going up up up
So, as I said, the trail does go up, up, getting away from that. It was a really nice trail though, through the woods and with plenty of great views. Since we thought we'd be the only ones on the trail (since most people take the much shorter Inspiration Point trail), we were talking loudly and making ourselves known in bear country. Hahahah. Then, we heard voices on the trail and looked behind....and there were actually people! Turns out, its the route the climbers take to climb the face of one of the cliffs! We were talking to one young couple, and they explained the whole scene to us. They sure are brave! They basically follow tiny offshoots of the main trail (which isn't that wide to begin with) and make their way to the cliff. Some of those trails are hard to find, i guess, because they were having trouble finding a way up. I asked them a bit about climbing, and they said its best just when there are only 2 of them, and not a whole group. Kudos! 

view of some climbers
woah....see Mr. Blue?
still going up!
the climbers are on that outcropping
wow....that's scary!
We continued on the trail, which was really beautiful and peaceful. We did not see any more people for the rest of the way, until the connection with the Inspiration Point trail. After that,  the trail was well used and we had lots of company. No need for talking loudly or singing around corners...ahhaha.

catching a little break going across instead of up!
view of Jenny Lake
action shot
we're getting there
this is where Inspiration Point would lead eventually
lots of water on the trail...makes it fun!
good trail conditions here
almost in the canyon
turning the corner...literallly
nice river
so refreshing
So back to our was a while before we reached the Cascade Canyon, but once we did...WOW oh WOW! It was beautiful. I've never hiked in a canyon like that before, with the mountains on both sides enveloping you. I really liked that feeling. There was plenty of walking through forests, but always with the mountains on either side of us. Well, I guess that's what a canyon is, right?

here we the canyon!
Yippee...I made it!!!!
such a nice hike
looking for moose
lots of nice people on the trail....offering to take our pic!
the Grand Teton
moose country
isn't this awesome?
back in the woods
so pretty
that bird was BLUE
taking a little break at a gorgeous lake
another nice hiker offering to take our pic....OKAY!
click click...just like me!
moving along
We saw several waterfalls, which were amazing. We could hear them from across the canyon too. And the smell of pine...just wonderful . It was a great experience. I'm so glad Tom found a way for me to get up there!! 

this is an amazing hike
nestled between mountains
still some up!
the glacier....that starts the waterfall
walking further into the canyon for better views
oh, there are still wildflowers blooming!
waterfalls from the glacier
we can hear this!
isn't this amazing?
more waterfall view
there's more Susie...come on
so nice
another view
walking further into the canyon
fall is coming!
told ya this was a great hike!
looks fake, doesn't it?
ready to go further into the canyon
nice trail and lots of people on it
ANOTHER nice hiker offered to take our pic
what can I say?
this is so great
walking along taking it all in
just look at the view
enjoying the hike!
more cascading waterfalls
heads up...fall is around the corner
puddle jumping and lots of mud!
capturing fall
so scenic
cascading waterfalls....can't get a good shot of this...its really awesome
hiking along
that's a good shot of that waterfall
so scenic
lots of yellow!
we can hear this too, on our side of the canyon
really nice
look at that!
just photogenic....
fresh snow sprinkled on the top 
really nice!
heading back now
does that say "autumn" to you?
moving right along and enjoying every minute
nice...looks fake though...hahahah
looking for last time
another nice hiker....they are all over!
heading back now
the people ahead of us slept at Lake Solitude the night before (it poured!)
check out these runner!!!! Are you kidding me?
glacial rock
how many shades of green do you see?
close up
so peaceful...smell the pine too!
getting close to the end of our canyon hike

love the water, as usual!
We didn't hike the entire canyon (know your my limits), but we hiked probably about 7 miles or so. We also didn't see any wildlife (bears or moose) on our hike. Tom was a little disappointed, as the last time he had seen 5 moose. Its okay. It was wonderful anyway! The scenery and the whole ambiance is amazing. Oh, and on the way back, we took a little side trip to Inspiration Point! It was pretty scary for me...had to stay away from the edges, but the view was great. It was the only way I'd ever be able to get to Inspiration Point, so I took full advantage of being up there. Honestly, I'm so impressed by all of you folks out there NOT afraid of heights! The world is your oyster!! So, instead of walking quickly down the Inspiration Point trail, we went back around, and went down the horse trail. We caught the boat, thankfully, as my feet had enough. Time for new hiking shoes! 

okay...ready for Inspiration Point?
yikes...there is quite a drop off
oh boy...what am I doing here?
can you see how steep the drop is? the pic doesn't do it justice, trust me!
really?? NOW???
oh, an amazing view...worth the heart palpitations!
the view is great!
I am at Inspiration Point! Thank you Tom!!!!!
my hero
This is awesome....
isn't that beautiful? Jenny Lake in the Tetons
YEAH! I made it!!
my feet are killing me right now!!
those puppies are barking!! (know what I mean Grandpa?)
another nice hiker taking our pic....they had a good laugh about my height issue
oh good, here comes our ferry now...isn't that water gorgeous?
i need new shoes!
wasn't this a great day?
heading across Jenny Lake
this guy was waiting by the dock
On the way back, we cut through town and passed by my new local yarn shop (at least for a couple of weeks) and came back to the campsite for a great dinner. Poor Tom had hot dogs and I had a tuna sandwich. Even the magpie wasn't interested! I was just too tired to cook!! Besides, I wanted to bask in the wonderful experience of the day!! Just thrilling.....really!

Knit night is outside on the porch....nice experience....nice folks!!!
gourmet dinner 
even this guy isn't interested! ahahhaha!

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