Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A different kind of hike......

When we arrived at Zion a few days ago, a strong storm had just passed through, causing flash flooding and rock slides into the road. The next day when we were exploring the park, the water was flowing really swiftly, and was very muddy. We had walked the River walk, which leads to the start of the Narrows, and we really thought there was no way we could do that hike enjoyably.

What a difference a few days make! We were so happy the water situation settled down so we were comfortable  hiking the Narrows for a bit. For  more information, click here.

The Narrows is a unique hike in that you must wade through water as you walk through the canyon. Importantly, you MUST know the weather forecast, not only for Zion, but for 50 miles around. Rain even that far away, even if not raining in Zion, could cause flash flooding making the hike hazardous or deadly. So, we did our due diligence....checking Intellicast and checking at the Ranger station for conditions...and then we proceeded to have the best hike ever!

good morning!

just before leaping down the side of the cliff and out of sight

riding the shuttle to the hike

end of the Riverwalk and start of the Narrows

this is going to be so cool

ready to go for a hike?

lots of rocks, and gotta watch the current

this is so cool

more river wading

awesome experience-its beautiful

trying to capture the height of the canyon walls

the only way is through the water

its nice and cool!

more nice people offering to take our pic

some parts are easier than others

again...more nice people offering to take our pic...okay!

its like being in a movie

some dry land, some water

lots of fun

finding a good spot to cross

so far, haven't been in water over our knees

the canyons are amazing

hiking with some friends we met along the way....they are from Albany

what an experience

gotta watch each step...lots of rocks

going deeper into the canyon


the water cleared up from our first day here...when it was loaded with silt

deeper into the canyon

so so cool!

here we go...looks a bit deeper
this is amazing experience

really just like a movie

the water is actually refreshing now...its getting hot out

just look at the view

ready Susie?

keeping the camera safe and dry while going through the water

looking up

nice sandy beach here

heading on

There were so many people enjoying this hike.  The Narrows can be hiked by casual hikers such as moi, by starting at the bottom and hiking up the canyon. We had such a perfect day. Not a (rain) cloud in the sky, and bright sunshine. When we started, it was a bit cold, but before long the temps went into the 90's. The water temp was in the 60's and felt fabulous. We weren't in the water the whole time, but I'd say definitely half the time!  And the canyons......amazing! My pictures just don't tell the tale. For more information about the hike, and really great pictures, click here.

too bad I can't fit the whole view in the frame

a very different hike, that's for sure

its so awesome....really!
let's look for a "snack" spot

this looks good to me!

the views are amazing

action shot

more action

can I have my camera back? ahhahahha

carefully maneuvering through the rocks...also, its uneven, so you never know when you take a "deep" step

the water really cleared up

oh the view!


another twist and turn into the canyon

making our way through the canyon

us and a million others!

just so cool!

we should probably turn around soon

heading back

come on Susie...put the camera in the water-proof bag now
another nice view

hard to capture the whole scene

between the lighting and the height

the water feels awesome...its pretty hot now

get that sweatshirt off Tom! hahahah

hiking through the deepest part we hit

Just to my knees......whew!

walking along the Riverwalk to get back to the shuttle....he's no fool...stay in the shade!

This was one of the most awesome experiences I've ever had! Tom really enjoyed it too, even though he usually prefers being high up in the mountains and looking down. I really wanted to try this hike from the get-go, and was SO happy when the weather and river conditions improved. Tom thought this hike was pretty cool too....kept saying "good one Sue!".....ahhaahha.  It was on my  bucket list.

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