Saturday, September 20, 2014

More Scenic Bryce........

After finishing one FABULOUS hike, we had a great lunch of peanut butter and water. I know....but the bird seemed very interested!

the peanut butter is sticking to the rough of my mouth! ahhaha
I'm kinda wishin' this was a "bella chicken" from ABC....with a side of potato chips...hhahaha
this guy is interested in our lunch...
 After that delicious treat, we headed out to explore the rest of the scenic drive through Bryce. We went to the end of the park, to Yovimpa Point and Rainbow Point, before working our way back up towards the Visitor's Center. The views were different at each stop....and just beautiful.

looks like cotton candy
remnants of  a forest fire
scenic overlook
on the edge
great views....quite a place
are those crazy people out there on the edge?
hey that the trail for the little hike we are going to take?
its stunning here
In between overlooks, we  took a short hike on the Bristlecone Loop. It was about a mile hike through bristlecone pine forest, with unbelievable overlooks. The pinecones really do have bristles, by the way!
starting our little hike
cool, huh?
funny looking bristlecone pine trees

pretty close to the edge
cool hike

where are we going?
life on the edge
i think this is where those people were in on of the previous pictures

views are great

this "christmas tree" would fit in the camper....i think?
One of the views from the trail was really intriguing to me. The rock formations looked like they had giant cat paws to me. What do you think? Looks like they were sculpted onto the rock formation. Nearby was a shelter with some plaques with sentiment from Thoreau that were appropriate for the setting:)
awesome view
am I too hot, or does that look like cat paws?
bristlecone pines

another bristlecone pine

in the "cooling hut" on the trail
 The trail led us to Rainbow Point, another scenic overlook. Just amazing....this country is really beautiful! There was a bench to sit and enjoy the view, but darned if I could sit facing "out"!

heading back to another scenic overlook
view from the trail...isn't that gorgeous?
does this bench have a seat belt?
There were a couple more overlooks, and we stopped at all of them, as did some of the other park visitors. It was fun seeing the same people over again at each stop...and we all had a good chuckle! At one overlook, I overheard someone talking about the jeweled band on her hat, so I went and joined in the conversation. Can you of the people was someone we met up with on our hike in the Narrows in Zion last week! Such a small world. Anyway, I am sick of this dorky hat I've been wearing to shield me from the hot rays of the sun so I can avoid heat stroke and melanoma, and when they started talking about beads...I couldn't help myself....I had to see what that was about. Now, if I could just find a bead store!

all the views are so different
a little window
check out that lady's hat! Love the beaded band and I'm gonna make one someday!
gotta jazz up this dorky hat (even dorkier in the wind with the tie over my head-hahahaha)

the views are amazing

a natural bridge
cool view of the top of one of the rock formations
more from the top
great overlook!
A lot of the park is forest and meadow, and there seems to be quite a large population of mule deer. When we saw the pronghorns moving across the meadow, we somehow just knew they wanted to cross to the other side. Tom slowed the car down to a crawl, and sure enough.....Boy are they fast! They are the second fastest mammal, I believe.

mule deer and a pronghorn
one ran as fast as possible in front of us, but this guy just stopped in the road! 
Our last stop was Fairyland Canyon, and the view did look like a fairy castle! My pictures don't do it justice...I am not tall enough to get a good shot over the railings. Hahahha. Bryce is one beautiful park!!

Yes it looks like a fairy castle, hence the name! Good one Susie!
very nice

it really looks like  a castle
the tree just grows right on the edge
simply "mah-va-lous"

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