Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wonderful Weekend....................

Last weekend was filled with two special "events"....a west coast sunset over the ocean, and a visit with Tom's best friend from High School.

Friday night, the forecast called for clear skies. We headed out to the beach around sunset and were we surprised by the amount of people still on the beach! The beach really thins out in the late afternoon in NJ-just sayin'. I was so happy to see so many others really wanted to see the sunset over the ocean too.

We have tried many times to catch a west coast sunset, pure and simple with no clouds, and we have never been successful. I guess that made this sunset even more spectacular for us. I'll let the pictures show what we saw..............

I don't see any clouds yet...but don't get your hopes up
here we go!
Finally...and it is spectacular
lots of others here for the same reason :)
watching nature at its finest
there it goes....tucked away for the night
a sight to see
good night :)
the colors were so vibrant
a California sunset - with no clouds!
very pretty...
time to head back...but we will do this again soon
Thank you San Diego!
Saturday we were thrilled to have Peter, Tom's best friend from high school, and his lovely wife Karen, come visit us in Mission Bay. Tom and Peter had not seen each other in about 32 years. Peter so graciously drove down from the L.A. area to come to San Diego for a BBQ at our place. It was such a fun visit. The boys had a great time reminiscing and catching up. We all had a wonderful time, with quite a few laughs. The day went by too quickly!!

all set for our BBQ
Tom, Peter, Karen
best buds from high school
what a fun day with Peter and Karen-where did the time go?

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