Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sitting by the dock of the bay...............

We've been landlocked for the past few months, until this week when we rolled into Mission Bay, San Diego. For the past 5 days, we've been going to the beach, walking and biking around the bay...just chill-axin' (is that still a cool word to use?) The environment is so different from what we've been accustomed to lately. Its green and cool here! And there is water. As much as we love the desert, we are happy to be near the ocean again! Truth be told, we like everything...really! Desert, ocean, mountains, lakes. Its all good.

Chillin' in the desert in Borrego Springs
who drinks hot herbal tea and knits in the desert?? Silly!
Our new campground is in a fantastic location, situated at one end of Mission Bay Park. We have easy access to the bike/walking path right from the campground. I, for one, am really enjoying the cool breeze that comes off the bay! Tom and I have totally different bodily thermostats-you may notice in some of the pics that he has a sweatshirt on, and I'm in a t-shirt. That is par for the course. Hahaha.

the path around our campground 
I may actually win some of our "fitbit challenges" (heads up Andrew and John!)
the traffic is horrendous-that is I-5 and its not rush hour
lots and lots of traffic
There is a part of the path that goes completely around the campground. The campground itself is fenced in and has lots of security. I try not to wonder why so much security here at the campground, but it is easy to sleep at night. Security patrols often, at all hours, so we do feel pretty safe here.

more of the path...its a mile and mostly surrounded by water (with a nice breeze)
the beach at the campground
the campground is completely fenced in
you can walk completely around the outside of the campground, but need to know the code for the gate to get back in (or go to the guard house)
Being an east-coaster, it is interesting to see the sun SET over the water. I usually watch that red bouncing ball of sun  "pop" up over the horizon at sunrise. Tom likes the sunsets much better...hahahah!

sunset over Mission Bay
cool sea bird
The ocean is like a magnet for Tom! The first thing he does at the beach is check out the water. Its just a little bit cool for swimming...the air temp is in the upper 60's....but we do anticipate we will be in the water before long. Who knows, we may even have to buy a boogie board soon...hahahhah! We noticed there are a lot of families at the beach, and college-age kids...I think its spring break time. Anyway, we were by far the oldest people on the beach the other day when we spent a few hours there. We are young at heart though!

aahhh...the ocean!
nice to be at the ocean
the lifeguards "drive" the beach here, and use megaphones instead of whistles and hand motions
the ocean breeze is so refreshing
the lifeguard "tower"
The bike riding has been a real treat for us too! The paths are great...we don't have to ride in the street at all. Did I mention the horrendous traffic here? Anyway, we have been taking 10 mile bike rides, sometimes a bit longer, depending on how lost we get...even on the trails. I know! I'm a mess. Anyway, the breeze from the bay is absolutely perfect! Mission Bay Park is very popular with bikers, walkers, runners, picnic-ers, water sports enthusiasts, etc, and its great to see such a nice park used in so many ways! Lovely!

riding around Mission Bay
the tower behind me is Sea World (we can ride our bikes there)
if you don't have a problem...just rent one
all the flowers are in bloom here too...nice!
The campground is busy...again.....spring break? There are a lot of families, or grandparents with grandkids. Its that time of year now. Not just snowbirds looking for a break from weather. Still and all, its surprisingly quiet here considering how full the campground is with mostly vacationers. We are thoroughly enjoying our new backyard. Soon we will be exploring the city a bit, but for right now we are content to just be kids...biking, swimming, reading, and such. (Ha! I'm conveniently forgetting to mention all the "life" stuff we do too-its not total nirvana).

ok Susie...I have the tablet with GPS right on my handlebar
ready for a ride
what does that say?
our "across the street" neighbor 
The sea birds/ducks are catching our attention too. I wasn't able to get a picture, but there are pelicans favorite! I love to watch them dive. Did I mention how much we are enjoying the seaside backyard we have now?

this egret flew in while I was waiting for Tom
here comes Tom on his bike now....see him by the security station at the campground (he went back to put more air in his tire)
looking for lunch?
drying off a bit
here he is now
Somehow we got lost the other day trying to get to Ocean Beach on our bikes. It might have had something to do with me being the navigator....ahem. Tom has added his tablet to his bike, complete with google maps, at the ready as we ride. He's so much fun! Always a tech-y solution :)

trying to find Ocean Beach via GPS...we missed the trail again?
wait....which way?
there was a time I would have loved doing that....but "that ship has sailed"....hahahah

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