Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A couple more short hikes in Anza Borrego........

We had a few more short hikes in Anza Borrego Desert State Park on our wish list, thanks to the enthusiastic ranger we spoke the day we arrived here. There are so many different hikes, all interesting. We opted for shorter hikes because of the heat factor! Actually, these final two were nature trails. Glad we did these!

while walking around the park, i noticed the mountains glowing and went to get Tom so he could enjoy the view too!
the tail end of the glowing mountains at sunset
Bright and early again! I think we were on the trail by 7am or so. We started out on the Yaqui Well trail, a nature hike with an "informative pamphlet" that is only a mile each way. We had so much fun with this. We had to go slow because it was hard to walk and look around at the same time without tripping over a rock...hahahah. Seriously, there was so much to look at. The desert in bloom is fascinating.

a nature trail-complete with an educational pamphlet
this one is full of buds...just ready to open
lots of blooms on this trail
easier not to trip when your hiking shoes are tied tight!
a beautiful hike
just about ready to pop
our view across the desert floor
everything looks ready to bloom!
these are new to us....fishhook cacti?  (we always seem to find something new to us)
On this trail, we noticed that the blooms were not as far along as some other areas of the park. They plants looked like they were just getting ready to open up. Rain is expected here soon, and I'm sure that will do it. Its going to be even more awesome than it is now. We were thinking of delaying our travel to our next destination just so we could do these trails again right after the rain!

desert flora-naturally
the trail goes up for a bit
always something to see
this will be really awesome when its in bloom (tomorrow?)
the agave flowers are so cool....the stalks grow about 8 inches a day
this one is just starting to flower
only the second one we've seen flowering
also looks ready to bloom
sweet little purple flowers all along the sides of the trail
Ants?? First we've seen them!
This nature trail started out over rolling hills with a rocky trail that we had to pay attention to. The cacti all around us were either blooming or just about ready to open up. As we came down the next hill, the environment changed again. It was pretty green...which means water! What a difference in the plant life, and obviously the animal life as well. All of a sudden, we noticed so many birds. The pamphlet informed us that bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes and rabbits all visit this area. I can see why. It was so lush (relatively). This was the area of the Yaqui Well, a spring that enabled this area to be inhabited by native Americans back in the day.

look at how the environment has changed
this tree is fascinating to me...with the parasite of the Desert Mistletoe growing on it
isn't that cool
the mistletoe berries (a favorite of birds)
fascinating to me
this area is so green
animal prints
Red Ants!  
I'm amazed by the tree with the "parasite" Desert Mistletoe
 Heading back up the trail to the trailhead, the sun started to come out. We were so astute to the plants that we noticed some of the buds opened up in the short time we were on the other side of the trail. Time for even more pictures! Also, some things look more fascinating from another angle. The trip back on an "out and back" trail is just as interesting as the trip out. At least, to us!

isn't this fun??
another view of the flowering agave
surprises everywhere
on our way back down the trail, these flowers opened up!
they must open based on sunlight
brightness in the desert
its a bugs life
love the inside of this flower
what is that?
flowering at the park rangers house (next to the trail)
It was still early in the morning, and we were enjoying our desert exploration so we decided to go ahead and explore the Cactus Loop Trail, another nature trail right near the Yaqui Well Trail. We didn't even have to move our car. So, this trail was about a mile, and it was like walking through an aboretum. The plant life was awesome, and we really enjoyed exploring here.

let's do this....its not scorching yet
hummingbird plant
look at the variety of shades of red/orange
this trail is a bit steeper
nature's work of art
 The trail was a bit steep and rocky, but we watched our footing and went slowly. We were so busy with photography, we had to go slowly....ahhaha. I am not kidding-the plant life here was amazing with the cacti and other flowering plants blooming in the desert in their natural environment. A sight to see. Really!

isn't this amazing?
so pretty
watch your step
are you looking for sheep?
walking along the ridge
just so pretty!
the first bloom on this cactus to open up
more blooms
so cool
a pretty sight in the desert
The first half of the trail was pretty steep going up, but then it evened off a bit on a ridge. The views across were cool too. Lots of Barrel Cactus and Cholla growing on the sides of the hill. Cool! We were looking for Big Horn Sheep too.....but they weren't around.

something to enjoy around every corner
how about these?
desert landscape-naturally
very cool
enjoying the nature trail
cacti for as far as you can see
growing on the hillside
another "bloom-er"
first bloom on this one
so pretty
We were so happy that we did these two nature trails. Actually, we enjoyed all the trails we did here in this park. Lots of fun, and certainly interesting! (And no snakes yet-yippee!!). Its time for us to leave the desert. Its getting too hot now and its time to be off to our next destination. We really enjoyed our time in the desert. It certainly is a special place!

another great morning in the desert!
lots of flowers on these!
another view
a special place to be sure!

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