Friday, March 25, 2016

Mission Bay and Beach....and the seals at La Jolla..................

The location of our campground here in Mission Bay, San Diego, is superb!  Its so easy to ride our bikes around the bay, and even to get to the beach via the bike trail. The weather is perfect for biking (or just about anything).

The bike ride around Mission Bay that leads to Mission Beach is a bit busy with visitors. Many hotels and houses line the bike trail, which is between the hotels (and rental homes) and the beach. So lots of people to look out for. I snapped some pics as we were cruising by to show the flavor of the place....laid back and cool! Hhahaha. Did I mention its spring break??

heading around the bay to the beach
there's such a nice breeze coming off the water.....really nice!
The ride from the campground to the beach is about 6-7 miles each way, and mostly along the bay. Who could resist an ice cream after that beautiful ride to the ocean. We thought of it as a reward for our efforts.

oh boy!! Is this why I can't seem to lose any weight?
enjoying the treat
this is a very busy little ice cream stop right on the beach...always a line!
ready to go back?
After our break at the beach, we headed back home. This is when I took most of the pics of the local housing, condos and hotels we rode by. You really can't see them from the road-driving by in a car. Its a nice area right on the bay, and the ocean is minutes away, depending where you are staying. If you cut through a little street or alley, you are on the main road with your choice of restaurants and shops. Not far at all. Good location if you want a beach vacation and don't want to drive anywhere. You can bike or walk! Just sayin' case anyone is planning a get-away to San Diego!

lots of sailboats in this area of the bay
lots of homes here...all different
fun to check them out as we rode by
all the homes were different
that big hotel up ahead was very popular
little side streets and alleys between the houses too-to get to the main road with the restaurants and shops
like here
and here
all the houses were different-nice, huh?
the beach in front of the big hotel was the busiest
about halfway back to the campground
I liked this little blue house :)
lots of charm
we'll be riding by the condos soon-as we turn the bend and follow the bay
lots of bikers and skate boarders too....great to see so many people enjoying the outdoors
The other day, on our way heading out to do some errands (like a Costco run and post office stop), we decided to first drive through La Jolla and check out the seals and sea lions on the coastline. This is a busy (upscale) area! Lots of tourists stop by the beach, and we were people watching as much as watching wildlife. Its amazing how many folks walk right up to the seals for a photo op with the family!

cave kayaking trips-very popular
I like watching the pelicans too!!
one lone seal resting up on a nice soft moss covered rock
another set of kayakers are ready to go "caving"
hard to spot some of the seals and sea lions
I forgot to mention that San Diego is in bloom! Very pretty flowers everywhere
barking sea lion
sleepy time
we are making our way walking along the coastline-observing the wildlife as we go
look at those big eyes
snorkelers and swimmers at this beach...along with the seals
enjoying the wildlife viewing
snorkelers on the right...seals on the left near the "white" water
seal on top....snorkelers towards the bottom of the photo
seals heading towards the rocks
not easy getting up there....especially with people hovering
watch this silly couple trying to get a pic up close with this seal
that lady couldn't get up fast enough when the seal got up and started barking at her....YOU'RE TOO CLOSE LADY!
lots of visitors roaming on the beach and in the cave 
 cutting through the path through the cool trees to get to the other side of the cove
more seals on the rocks (down by those people)
aren't these babies cute?
these guys were taking selfies in front of the seal family here 
trying to make it to the rocks
getting a good pic? there room for me???
I'm coming up there!
Thank you for sharing  (ahh, look at the little guy in the middle....cute!)
pelicans coming in for a landing on the rocks
not sure what's going on here...the snorkelers seemed to be getting chased away by the seals
What fun we had watching the wildlife (and the people too)! We are thoroughly enjoying being near the water again. We've been in the desert for a few months, so this is quite a difference for us!

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