Thursday, August 14, 2014

Good day for a hike......

The mountains look different every day, depending on the weather. Today was cool...with the low hanging clouds! And yes, it was cool...about 50. I love this mountain weather. Who believes its August?
nice low clouds in front of the mountains
what a cool view!

 This is the nice house Biden in staying in, we think. There are signs outside "no parking", and the rangers, cops and others are there every time we pass by. There is also a boat in the water, all the time, right next to the "abode". Secret Service?

the house is on the right....right on the lake, of course!
 So, here is the view driving into Jenny Lake today. Isn't that just like a painting? I know I keep saying that, but really, am I wrong about that? Hahah.

driving into Jenny Lake
more cloud views
looks like a volcano now
 We started our hike at Jenny Lake Visitor Center, and decided to go around the quiet side of the lake first. There were very few people walking in our direction. What  a nice path. We were enjoying the scenery, with the water and the mountains to our left. Very nice!

starting our hike around Jenny Lake
Hey, I have bear spray now too!
this is such a pretty lake
admiring the view again
nice path right along the lake

can you believe some bike riders passed us? I don't think they saw the sign-no bikes-hahah
 We also spotted some "new" flowers! We are always looking for new ones, and we are amazed how often we do see different ones than what we've seen before.

up? again?
cool rocks
such an enjoyable view on this hike
nicely kept trail
oh wait, this is where we ran into the bikers! There is a drop there on the left edge of the trail.
such a nice view
enjoying the hike and the day
boat dock across the lake
looking for moose still?

After a mile and a half, we reached the scenic overlook area on North Jenny Lake. As we passed through the crowds of people to continue the hike, guess what? We had to stop! There was a sign posted that the trail was closed due to bear activity. We later learned at the Visitor Center that there were aggressive black bears that had gotten human food. The rangers had set traps for them, and the bears would be relocated. I heard that a bear gets 3 chances of relocations before it is killed-not sure how accurate that info is. There are signs everywhere...a fed bear is a dead bear. 

time to turn around
 We walked back to South Jenny Lake, and once again, we decided to eat at our "spot" on the lake. It was an early lunch, but that's okay! We were hungry. So, what to do? We were planning on hiking around the lake (a 7mi hike), so instead we decided to walk around the other side of the lake and go up to Hidden Falls (about 5 mi RT). We had already walked 3 miles, so that would be perfect.

great spot for lunch
are you still looking for moose?
switched it up today....Peanut Butter!
Actually, Tom is looking at Inspiration Point
 We started back out on the trail leading around the other side of the lake (after first checking in with the ranger to make sure there were no issues), and had a great hike with lots of other hikers. I think this is the most popular hike in the area. Actually, many people take the boat over and then do the short hike to Hidden Falls. They are cheating themselves of a nice hike!!

starting around the other side of the lake
here we go
we are going up....but not that much!
 Okay, so a few places go up. But, not too badly-hahhaha. At least there are no cliffs involved.

always up in the mountains!
nice hike
 The lake was so serene when we hiked in, just little ripples. And the flowers along the shoreline were really nice too. We are going to miss those beautiful wildflowers when the season ends.

serene water
part of the trail actually is right on the lake's edge
lovely flowers
just love that red!
and blue
okay....i love all the flowers
they were growing so well on this section of the trail
a little more up and into the cool woods
and then back on the lake
almost to the boat dock
I'm sure the boat is fun, but then you miss the hike
We heard a helicopter, and watched it go up into the canyon. Its always unnerving to hear that....I always think someone is being rescued. In actuality, we think the helicopter was dropping off supplies for trail maintenance. Big rocks. We had spotted some giant white plastic bags with boulders in them, for trail maintenance.

chopper up there somewhere
 The lake is a gorgeous green, just stunning. It also looks pretty deep, even near the edge. And so clear! Nice!
no swimming Susie!
the water is so inviting!
 The only mammal we spotted was a marmot, which was huge. It was in the same area on the way back from Hidden Falls too!

we see you!
cute-huh? to Hidden Falls
 Tom, oh brave one, decided he would also hike up to Inspiration Point from Hidden Falls. Its not that far, but it is that steep! Not a good hike for those afraid of heights! So, I waited at the Falls a few minutes while Tom went up! He is unbelievable...not afraid of heights and a GOOD hiker! I'll bet he felt good letting go of the "ball and chain" for a bit! hahaha.

heading up to Hidden Falls
are we there yet?
almost there
nice and cool in this area
check that out-rock climbers
 So, while I was hanging at the Falls when Tom was going that extra mile up to Inspiration Point, I turned and sawed the rock climbers.  Wow! I was holding my breath for them. They are pretty brave in my book.

can you see them?
not sure if that was a class or a group of some sort
so high up!
hang in there buddy
wow is all I can say!
The falls were beautiful, and lots of people make the hike to enjoy them. There is a nice clearing and plenty of natural seating (rocks, logs) for a rest. 

Hidden Falls
so nice
everyone that walked up here has a picture of themselves right here
right Tom?
 I took a few more pictures of the rock climbers. Not sure if it was a class, or if they go one at a time. Not really sure how that sport goes, and I'll never find out from my own experience, I can tell you that.

oh boy
there he goes
 The river near the falls is very peaceful and pretty. Not too many people congregate here. It is where the start of the Inspiration Point hike is, and most people are either all excited to being going up, or are tired coming down.

Inspiration Point trailhead
I sat on a log here
it was very peaceful waiting for Tom
 Here comes Tom now....looks like he enjoyed his hike!

coming from Inspiration Point
trail is along the side of a cliff- NO CAN DO
Heading back down the trail, the marmot was hanging out in the same spot and didn't even move away from us. So, we snapped a few more pics!

hello again
just watching us
 What a beautiful hike. We really enjoyed the view of the lake and the mountains, and were happy not to run into "aggressive" bears! More importantly, Tom was thrilled to get to Inspiration Point!

a great day
heading back...isn't that water beautiful?
Inspiration Point hikers
what a great day!

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