Friday, August 8, 2014

Exploring, and guess what?.......

We are spending our time in this beautiful area doing a bit of hiking. There are so many trails to choose from. We started with the Lake Shore Trail, which is in the Colter Bay complex. It is a 2 mile figure 8 loop through the woods, with some of the trail along the beautiful Jackson Lake. This trail is akin to "taking a walk in our neighborhood" it is right here! Aren't we just so lucky?

what does that say?
on the hike...along the lake
great trail
the views are so beautiful
going around the point
crossing over a sandbar type thing to get to the hill
oh yeah...this is bear territory
Spanish moss?? When on the ground, looks like bear fur clumps
such great views along the way
more along the water, but higher up
nice walk
we could do this every day!
a peek at the marina
heading back
nice marina spot
a few more boats in the marina
One morning we got up super early because we really wanted to spot moose!! We headed out to the viewing deck at Jackson Lake Lodge at dawn. Guess what? FINALLY.....we have our moose spotting!! I'll tell ya, it was not easy to see these guys in the meadow. They so easily hide in plain sight! The sagebrush is about as tall or taller as the moose, and unless they more to a grassy area, it is really hard to spot them! Of course, they were far away, so the pictures aren't great. But it was fun to watch through my binoculars. It looked like 3 lady moose out there. No bull! (Hhahah)

the early morning view from Jackson Lodge Viewing Deck
what are those black spots?
There they are!!! Moose!!
an elk herd in the meadow
another close up
Hello! Where have you guys been?
Three moose in the morning sun
Not easy to see!!
beautiful reflection...from Oxbow Bend view

When we got back to the campground a little later in the morning, our neighbor (a bear naturalist) told us the deer we were watching alongside our campsite were "blacktail deer", and were rarely seen out of the area. Usually we see mule deer or white tail deer. We were lucky to see them, according to the naturalist. Okay!

oh hello!
across from our campsite
Note the black tail! Guess that is unusual

Bye Bye...
A little later on, we headed back out to explore some more. We drove up Signal Mountain, and had more spectacular views of the mountains and the valley. The road winds up a steep one-way drive to the top, with a couple of overlooks along the way.

Signal Mountain Overlook
the Tetons
the Grand Teton
Valley on the other side
We are pretty high up
quite a drop here!
Nice view of the mountains
from the top of the overlook
Another view with my new favorite flower (actually a weed!)
Just a beautiful area!!

Afterwards, we stopped at a church nestled right off the road. I thought we had been here before, but no.This was not my favorite church ever, but it was nice and rustic. We hope to visit my favorite church another day, when we find it..ahhahah.

Church along the way
very rustic
beautiful stained glass...but not the church I was thinking of

rustic church
Next we stopped at the Jackson Dam, which is a good fishing spot. Lots of people start their kayak trips from here as well,, and meander down the river through Oxbow Bend. It is a prime wildlife area.

Jackson dam
good starting point for kayaking
The day was warm, and we didn't want to overdo we went back to our little swimming hole to enjoy the view. What a life!!Who can believe it?

a little shady spot on the beach
this is the life!
should have worn my bathing suit!!

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