Sunday, April 3, 2016

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve.........

Torry Pines State Natural Reserve is home to the rarest pine tree in the country....Pinus torreyana. They only grow here, and on an island off the coast of Santa Barbara. This nature area is very fragile, and off-trail hiking is illegal. That said, the trails are really nice and well marked. Its hard to go off them accidentally. A couple of the trails go down to the beach from up above. For more information, click here.

heading down the hill to Torrey Pines State Park
There it is now
a bit chilly up here today (though probably not for long)

Torrey Pine

So, this was our first visit here, and we followed the signs to the Visitor Center so we could get hiking information before exploring the area. There is parking along the beach, which is free, and then you can walk up the hill to the trails, and take a trail back down to the beach, and then your car. We didn't know that, so we continued on in the car up the hill (yah!) and paid the state park fee of $10. Just sayin' in case you are interested in going and don't mind walking. We would have walked up the hill had we known, since we wanted the exercise anyway.

We got our map from the Visitor Center, and headed out on the Razor Point Trail. All of the trails are on the short side, so you can combine them if you want a longer hike. Its a beautiful place! And there are lots of folks there enjoying it too...tourists and the more knowledgeable locals that know enough to park at the beach! Many runners here too-running along the trails. Lots of large groups of runners too, at least when we were there.

we are heading out that way....the red rocks
not too many Torrey Pines on the trail
Razor Point trail begins
close up of a hummingbird hamming it up for the camera
nice views along the trail
one of the overlooks
heading along the trail...they switchback often
standing on the red rocks....and I'm on my way up too
the view from above
I think that is the trail we need
Torrey Pine
dangerous near the cliff edge...hence the wire
heading down to the overlook
I'm coming!
great views
desert plants right next to the ocean
lots of switchbacks
The view is great! Looking for whales migrating, but didn't see any
is that a quail?
another Torrey Pine (there aren't that many on the trails)
so sweet
lots of steep drop-offs and fragile areas near the edge
so cool
really nice walk down here
close up
looking back 
ahhh...the view up the coast
looking for migrating grey whales?
what a nice place this is....
Because of the time of year, we were treated to lots of spring blooms. I couldn't help myself...I had to take a couple of pics. Bear with me.

We walked on a bunch of different trails, eventually making our way back up to the Visitor Center. Check out this Torrey Pine. What is that? A symbiotic relationship with another pine? Or is it some sort of a growth surge in that one spot? We didn't certainly was interesting though. From a distance, it looks like a giant nest of some sort.

is that a huge nest?
looks like the growth of needles went crazy
springtime :)

Though the trail heads up, it is not strenuous at all due to the tons of switchbacks and different trails you can take. Meandering back up the hill, we seemed to focus on flowers. I know...

lots of switchbacks 
a very pretty trail
what a beautiful cleared up nicely
great view
everything is blooming
still going up....i see the red rocks with people on it up ahead
cool Torrey Pine
so pretty
these plants are growing new leaves too
Well, it was starting to get pretty hot. Even Tom had to take his jacket off! You know its hot when that happens. And someone forgot her hat...which was not too smart! It may have been cloudy and cool when we started, but eventually the sun burned off the clouds and there was brilliant sun.

oh no....Tom is hot...don't see that often!
now you tell me!! (about the rattlesnakes!)
so so pretty (we love the desert too! and the ocean! and the mountains!....)
close up
The view coming down the hill from the Visitor Center. See the cars parked along the beach? That's where you want to be if you are here for the exercise, as well as the views. So, since we didn't take a trail down to the beach, we parked the car in the parking lot (you need that park pass to park there), and headed to the beach for just a bit.

heading down to the beach
locals know to park along the beach (for a good workout!)
hey, at least we have a parking pass now.....the other parking is full now
I guess it was high tide, because we had a bit of narrow beach to cross to take our little walk by the cliffs. There is a thick layer of smooth rocks to cross to get to the sand. It is not too easy to walk on such a thick layer of rocks. Hahaha. We experienced this before in Oregon.

no lifeguard on duty today
inspecting a little closer
its empty
walking along the rocky pretty
the water seems to come right up to the cliffs up ahead (during high tide)
there's something about the special
water was a bit rough
walking near the cliff not recommended
isn't that cool?
What a beautiful day we had. The ocean was just gorgeous, and the breeze coming off it was nice and refreshing. (Or as Tom would say, the gale wind was freezing....hahahahha).

such a refreshing ocean breeze

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