Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Movie Sets...............

With only a few days left in the area, we decided to head back out to the Alabama Hills on Sunday to search for "movie sets" where some of the many movies were filmed. There are no signs, or any street names....just dirt roads everywhere. I bought a book to help us out, but it was still really difficult.

let's go look for movie sets!!
weather moving in....and of course, the wind
the mountains we see from our campsite are getting fogged in
driving into Alabama Hills....with a bit of cloud cover over the Sierras
Its always good to have the kindle version on our phones, but since neither one of us can see such small maps, we brought along Tom's Ipad to help us out. Thankfully, it was a nice cloudy day, so we could actually see the screen. Always something!

We were looking for the area where parts of "How the West Was One" was filmed. That is the only western I've seen, and I just saw half of it a couple of nights ago....ahhaah. Anyway, we did find the location where the stage coach went over "the cliff". It was right along the dirt road we were walking up.

okay....we are looking for "this"....
I think its over here
no, its over here
this could be it...where the stage coach went over the cliff
parts of the movie may have been filmed in that little canyon
good idea to bring the ipad!
it must be here
here is the setting where the stage coach went over
still looking for backgrounds 
let's see what else we can find
we are getting in a nice walk!!
the Gunga Din bridge scene is up there
hurry before more cars come and park right there!
As we walked deeper, we were trying to recognize any of the other scenery. We noticed a bunch of cars near a "cave", and we thought maybe they were movie set seekers too. But no! They were rock climbers. The area we were in was very popular for climbing.

rock climbers
popular area to rock climb
We had a good time walking on the jeep roads, looking around with a little guidance from our book, but it was hopeless for me. I hadn't even seen any westerns....ahhahah. The landscape was just perfect though, and I can just imagine a bunch of westerns being filmed here.

its all looking the same to me....the movies could have been filmed anywhere here
here's the backdrop of the bridge in Gunga Din
One spot we did find, rather easily too, was the rocks used for the bridge in Gunga Din. There they are. There is still markings on the rocks from where the bridge was actually placed. The bridge would have been about 7 feet off the ground, but with the wonders of cinematography, it looked way higher.

these 2 rocks were part of the bridge in Gunga Din
having a good time...hahahaha
the scars of the bridge are still on the rock
We really had fun walking around, and just looking at some of the rock features. There were several other people we spoke with, pretty much doing the same thing...just walking around and exploring. Nice. A fun Sunday afternoon walk in the neighborhood....hahahah.

amazing how the rocks just fall and get lodged
Gunga Din bridge scene
Some of the pictures from our can see how difficult it is to find these locations! But we did have fun, I'll say that!

picture of the rocks used in the bridge for Gunga Din
we definitely found this bridge
we saw this "scene" a few days ago when we were searching for arches

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