Monday, February 29, 2016

Mohave Desert....

We have been to Las Vegas recently (well, OK, like 7 years ago for my sister's wedding) and we had a great time then exploring all the hotels on the strip. This trip, we decided to spend our time with outdoor adventures and the beautiful scenery in the Las Vegas area. We did head into Bellagio for a look at the conservatory, and we were hoping to enjoy the fountains, but we were there way too early for that. We only had a quick visit to the strip - we had several errands to do and an oil change for the car. (We really aren't on vacation!)

the Conservatory in Bellagio
love these!
Chinese New Year
the year of the Monkey
its sad that there needs to be a sign like this here
year of the Monkey
the flowers were gorgeous
what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
too early for the fountains!
As we left the Las Vegas area the next day to head to California, we decided to take the adventurous route and drove through the Mohave Desert Preserve. We were warned to have a full tank of gas, plenty of water, etc. but the ride was amazing.

mirrors collecting sunlight and turning it into energy
There were other travelers, but not too many. You sort of get a feeling of what "solitude" is.

can't get lost on this road

amazing ride
We passed through a forest of Joshua Trees, some of them blooming. There were so many Joshua trees! As far as the eye could see. I don't think I was able to capture it in the photos. (Some say there are more Joshua Trees here than in Joshua National Park....we'll see)

Joshua trees
a forest of Joshua far as the eye can see
Before long, we spotted sand dunes in the distance. We had not planned on stopping in the Visitor Center, or exploring any one area since we were in our big rig. The views out the front window were amazing though. Sort of like watching a movie. Hahah. This part of the Mohave Desert is so green. We were surprised by that.

sand dunes up ahead
the views were great
things are starting to bloom in the desert
mountains up ahead
is that snow?
Mohave desert
see the train going across the desert?
The Mohave Desert Preserve also is home to a cindercone and other evidence of volcanic activity. It was really cool to see, but again, we did not stop to explore. The views were great though, with the mountains in the backdrop, and wildflowers blooming along the roadside. Nice.

gorgeous rock art
cinder cone....this desert has everything!
more desert blooms
Some parts of the desert looked like what we imagined it would be. Sand and salt - an inhospitable environment. There was plenty of that too, I must say.

doesn't that look hot and dry?
my favorite sign when we are driving in the RV!! (which we were!)
amazing environment
more desert blooms
Heading to 29 Palms (our campground location)
After driving about 4 hours from Las Vegas, we pulled into our campsite at 29 Palms, our home for the next few days. Since it was still early enough, we decided to make the short drive to Joshua Tree National Park Visitor Center to get hiking information for the weekend. Always good to plan the hikes ahead, especially when we are trying to beat the heat!

there it is now

getting hiking info

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