Sunday, February 7, 2016

A little trip back east...............

There are so many snow birds here at this campground, escaping dreary rain or frigid, snowy winters in their home towns. Very happy campers here in Phoenix for sure! Due to the long-ish stays, people are extraordinarily friendly and helpful to each other. Very neighborly! A real community. So, when we took off for NJ and Virginia for a quick visit, we had plenty of neighbors keeping an eye out on our "home" and we really had no worries. Even got a text one night that "everything was fine in Paradise". Haha.

A few quick pics for my crafty friends! I've finished a few big projects that are ready to be delivered.....I'm making room in the RV for a few more:)

community project...crocheted sleeping mats made from plastic bags for the homeless shelter
finished projects to be delivered :)
and one more...(these are just the projects I am able to bring back....there are many more in progress!)
hope I can close my suitcase! 
 Our trip was a quick one. We were a bit nervous booking it a few months ago. You never know what the weather will be in January, and we were trying to plan for contingencies. So, when we flew from Phoenix to Newark, we stayed in a hotel right at the airport the night we flew in. I made a reservation to cover us in case of bad road conditions. Didn't want to be driving on ice late at night. Lady luck was on our side....the big blizzard happened a couple of days before we arrived, and though there was snow piled everywhere, the roads were ok. Whew! We were off to the shore the next day .... staying at my sister's.

very late dinner in Newark....
we love the Jersey shore...snow and all!
a peek at the beach....

that's not really sand...but sandy snow!
a layer of sand over the snow
see what i mean?
ahhhh.... so refreshing being at the beach!
the birthday girls (yes we are twins, even though I look like the mom)
we love the beach...snow and all
can you believe we got a rental car with NO windshield wiper fluid in this weather? Ahem.....not too dangerous!
 We had a wonderful visit in New Jersey with my parents, sisters, family.......though it was pretty short. We (my twin sister and I) enjoyed a "big birthday" lunch out with most of my family (we missed you Jackie!), which was really nice. After 2 days, it was time to drive to Virginia-a 7 hr drive. Thankfully, again, the roads were excellent. We saw the snow being carted off the highways in big dump trucks!

rest stop along the way...still pretty snowy
I really have never seen this scene.....dozens of dump trucks taking away the snow from the highways
there was still a fair amount of piles of snow along the roadways
its about 60 degrees out...
 We had a ball in Virginia...visiting with our kids and new grandson! What a cutie! All smiles! (Mostly...hahhah). It was great seeing our kids too....its nice to see that they are doing well. I guess you just never stop worrying, no matter how old they get?!

The weather was eerily warm for winter, and we were able to take a nice long walk, about 4 miles, at Monticello...Thomas Jefferson's home. Wonderful!

prepping for a nice long walk
the stroller made it through these conditions (the trail cleared a bit later)
its so warm even Tom took his coat off! February 1st in Virginia....freaky weather!!
really enjoying being grandparents!!!
Our stay in Virginia was also just 2 full days, but what a fun time we had being grandparents! Our trip went by in a flash, and before we knew it, we were on the dreaded air express flight to Philly, where we were to catch a regular flight back to Phoenix. The air express plane was like a school bus with wings. Only 9 rows. Our seats were in the very last row, which really was like a school bus....6 seats across and if the plane stopped short, you'd go rolling down the aisle straight into the cockpit. (Of course, we all had seat belts no worries)! Seriously, though I dreaded that flight, it actually was really quite nice.

there it is....our plane to Philly
oh, but the flight to  Phoenix was grand! The flight was empty!!!
amazing...not squished in like sardines
We are back in Phoenix now, which is a bit colder than the east coast was. Freaky! And now, to prepare for our next trip back east.....I am going to have to "lift weights" so I can easily carry Jack. He is getting pretty heavy! Already about 15 I need to get with the program.

need to strengthen my arms to lift Jack...he's pretty heavy already!
starting with the 8-pounders, but need to work up to 15-20 pounds for the next visit!

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