Sunday, May 24, 2015

Smith Rock and Sisters...........

Smith Rock State Park is located in near Redmond, Oregon...not too far from our campground in Bend. For more information, click here. We were just about to our destination, look what we saw! A huge alpaca farm! I see babies there too. Always good to see sheep or alpaca....can you tell I'm an avid knitter??

Smith Rock is very popular, especially with climbers. The parking lot was full when we got there...just a few spaces left....and it was Monday morning!
A huge alpaca farm
Smith Rock State Park up ahead
turkey vultures snacking

Though noted for climbing, there are nice trails as well. We walked along the river trail, enjoying the views and the river. While we were there, a film crew was filming for Oregon State Parks or "Outdoor Oregon" or something like that. The film crew was way up on the parking lot side of the river,  and a guy riding a bike had to continually go back and forth down the hill, across the bridge and down the river trail as per the "director". It was fun to watch. The biker was really friendly too. We were talking to him a bit while he was waiting for his next "take".

beautiful view from the top
a climbers paradise
the views are really nice
ready to head down to the river walk?
watch behind you Tom...the dark clouds are coming
ready to head down to the river Susie?
so picturesque
very nice
Once we walked down the hill to the river, we crossed over the bridge to access the trail. This is also where most of the climbers go as well-the sheer rock surfaces are right next to the path. There are climbers on much of the rock surfaces!

okay...down at the river now
nice trail
that's what we came down to get to the river...we took the zig zag shortcut in the middle of the picture...quite steep and slippery!
can you hear that babbling water?
We stopped walking several times just to watch the climbers. There were quite a few out there. Impressive! Though it looks like a peaceful area, with that gorgeous scenery, it is actually quite exciting. You can hear the climbers talking and giving directions or encouragement...and it all echoes. Quite a place! 

climbing across the river....i think that's the climbing instruction
lots of folks over there ready to climb
another view of the climbers
close up
this guy is pretty high up on on a different climbing wall
this park is prepared for climbers...who will hopefully never need this
close up
Of course, there were a fair amount of hikers as well. The park is very well used, and we were told its really crowded on a weekend. I believe it. We were visiting on a Monday with a very cloudy/rainy forecast, and the parking lot was packed when we got there around 10. We really enjoyed our little walk....and observing nature....and climbers!
walking on the trail right under the climbers
cool rock
very scenic 
fauna (a peek at a vulture eating something down there)
more flora
sheer rock face
with climbers 
these guys made it to the top
they are at the top of  the column in the middle of the pic
moving right along 
still following the river
lots of lava rocks here 
awesome colors on the sheer rock faces on this side of Smith Rock
think the weather will hold up?
pleasant hike
more flora
love those colors....we are on the trail looking up at the rock balancing on the hill
and what is that??? A tightrope type of thing?? I don't even want to know!
The skies really started to darken, so we turned around and headed back. We had perfect timing. By the time we got back to our car, the skies opened up and there was a deluge for about a half hour. We had our picnic in the shelter of our car. 

heading back 
just beautiful....but those dark clouds are moving in fast
Canadian geese were very loud
this guy flew up on top of the rock....when in Rome! I guess even the geese are into rock climbing!
there's just something about that tree!! 
Cool pic of cattails next to the river (the river has bubbles in it from the little rapids)
what a view...and the dark clouds are zooming in
"just hanging out"
"what was I thnking?????"
okay...just need to walk back up that steep hill to the top and parking lot
By the time we were done with lunch, the rain turned to drizzle and we went back out to explore another overlook. We were told there was a bald eagle's nest, and we tried to spot no avail. 
We really enjoyed our visit to Smith Rock.

view around the rock
pretty walk at the top

looking for an eagles nest we heard was around here
just cool...a study in textures and colors
As we drove by the alpaca farm again, I couldn't resist taking some more pics of them. They are so cute with all their fur. Too bad I did not see the "We're open" sign as we drove past. We could have stopped in for a bit! Maybe purchased a little bit of I don't have enough yarn!

Oh hey....they were open!
love that one in the middle...hhhahaha
wonder when the shearing is
Instead, we went to the mountain town of Sisters. What a cute town! Lots of shopping and restaurants...and I know a lot of my sisters and friends would love it here! We stopped in the Visitor's Center to get oriented. Every summer, the town hosts a Quilt Show, and quilts are hung from all the buildings, etc. all over town. Its very famous-I've even heard of it before coming here. Its a big deal. The woman in the Visitor Center told us all the hotel rooms are booked for that week a year in advance! There are classes and other fun stuff going on for that week, but the show itself is only one day! For more information, click here.

cool mountain town the 3 Sisters Mountain Peaks
Visitor Center-very helpful
lovely quilts on display too
The weather was starting to mean business, so I hustled into the Stitching ultimate goal of the shopping area. It is my new favorite store! It was packed...again...on a Monday! The store had really nice fabrics geared for quilting. Another section housed beautiful yarns and knitting supplies. One more section contained gift items....nice ones! I tried not to spend too much time or money there....really.
oh is moving in
love that little shop with the apartment above it! (Tom can't bear to look)!!
My favorite store ever...quilting and knitting!!
lots of display quilts
Sure....... you only bought a little bit..........uummmhummm
I'm not even going in this store.....feeling too guilty about my purchase from the Stitching Post!
Again, we were thankful the skies did not open up while we were shopping and checking out this cute town. By the way, the mountains are right there, and there are lots of outdoor activities to partake in. I'm sure its packed in the summer! Especially Quilt Show weekend!!

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