Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Moving to the coast.........

Pilot Butte is a cinder cone right in the town of Bend. We wanted to hike up and check out the views before we left Bend....but we drove to the top looking for the parking lot. Duh! It was at the bottom. There were plenty of people getting some great exercise, but it began to rain and foiled our plan. The views were a bit clouded over, but we were able to see the town of Bend, and the Cascade Mountains in the distance.Very pretty area!

Pilot Butte-straight ahead

view from the top
the Cascades...partly clouded in
too bad its raining....you can see Mt. Hood from here when its clear
you can hike up to the top (where we were)
nice view from the top 
With our last remaining day in Bend, we had a few errands to run, and well....life stuff. (We aren't on vacation...wink wink)! Since its that time of year, we also did a little gardening....RV style! I bought a few herbs and I'm hoping to have an indoor garden. We'll see how that goes. I am a little confident, since the Christmas cactus has survived for 6 months, and in fact I even had to repot it! Ha!

hope my new garden grows!
lots of herbs
Our trip to the coast from Bend was very scenic, despite the rain we had for most of the trip. I know. I keep thinking how boring it is to take pictures of the trip, but its hard not to take pictures of really nice scenery. We drove through the town of Sisters again, and through the mountains pretty much until we got to the coast.

the main street of Sisters
interesting shops
My favorite shop! The Stitchin' Post
heading to the mountains
lots of pretty views on this wind-y mountain road
a big outdoor recreation area!
the river runs next to the road for some of the drive
the views are really nice....don't look Tom!
still going through the mountains
Once we hit 101, the views of the coast were gorgeous! I snapped some pictures as we drove through, and we hope to explore the area during the next few weeks. We did take note of the "Tsunami Hazard areas", and wondered what that was about.

the coast sure is interesting!
its beautiful here
Hi Brenda and Bill!
how nice is that?
the Oregon coast!
looking down from the highway
we love the ocean!

Nearing our campground, we traveled over the Alsea Bridge, which goes over the bay. The views were really nice, what we could see through the clouds and fog. We found the campground, no problem and settled in. Included in the campground brochure from the office upon check-in was a flier with information on what to do during a Tsunami! What??  We are learning so much during our travels throughout the country. Anyway, FYI....if you feel the ground shake, take cover until the shaking stops (that's the earthquake). Then, get to high ground ASAP! It is estimated you have about 10 minutes to get to higher ground before a tsunami strikes. Best to run if you can, since it may be quicker than getting in your car and getting stuck in traffic. Yikes! So we know where to head....the hills right behind the campground! Seriously!

So, on another note, our new "front yard" is waterfront! What a nice view of the Bay. The tide is quite dramatic. When the tide is in, the water is free flowing, but...when the tide is out.....you could probably walk across the bay. We are enjoying watching the birds...especially the herons during low tide. The campground is nice and peaceful!

Alsea Bridge
home sweet home 
right out our front window
great front yard!
heron fishing at low tide

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