Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway...............

The day was cloudy and rain was predicted the day we drove the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway, a 66 mile beautiful road that runs along the side of the Cascade Mountains through a volcanic landscape, dotted with mountain lakes. It is an angler's delight! If we stayed long enough, I would take up fishing. No kidding. For more information, click here.

Mt. Bachelor (ski area) up ahead....and bike racers coming down the mountain 
Sparks Lake area...mountain JUST fogged in....

volcanic rock everywhere
and of course, beautiful pines everywhere as well 
The landscape was intriguing, and the mountain backdrops a bonus, but the nicest things to me are the lakes. They are surrounded by pines, and most have views of the snow-capped mountains and or volcanic rock. Very nice! We were dodging rain the whole day, so some of the mountains were fogged in for a bit. Next thing you know, the clouds lift and you can see the mountains. We had a crazy weather day, but we lucked out and were able to enjoy our adventure fully.

even in the rain...just spectacular
Devil's Lake...
Devil's Lake-my favorite-even in the rain and cold (its in the 30's here and we had some snow showers too)
One of the lakes had about 40 white pelicans. I think they come here to breed. That's why some of the pelicans have the huge bump on the beak. To learn more, click here. We enjoy watching them, and spent a bit of time at this spot. We even stopped again later on our way back!

white pelicans breeding here (check the bubble on the beak)
so many pelicans here at this spot
the other side of the road....lots of geese and ducks in the reeds
The landscape was constantly changing. We would see thick pine forest, and then mounds of lava rock, some with trees growing out of it, and then we'd see the charred trees resulting from a forest fire. The lakes were gorgeous. We had mountain views the entire way. Take a look at some of the variety we saw on our drive.

Lava hills sporadically visible from the road
results of a forest fire
just outside Davis Lake
we tried to get to this lake (Davis Lake), but there were too many downed trees in the road
the bees were busy in these bushes-the buzzing was so loud :)
another volcanic mountainside
lots of roads throughout our travels in Oregon look like this...magnificent!
back at the "pelican lake"
so much fun just watching them
I counted 40 pelicans here
another lake/resort along the Scenic Byway 
just amazed by the lava rocks everywhere
the road travels along this clear river
so clear....but don't drink the water
very nice
these were sweet flowers
tree growing out of the volcanic rock
We stopped at almost all of the lakes. They each had a different atmosphere, to me. This one was fishing oriented. How peaceful these guys looked just fishing in the cold rain, tucked in among the reeds and pines, with the mountain overlooking them.

lots of birds here too
such a peaceful fishing spot 
lots of moisture in the different from the desert environment we've been in the past few months
love the moss growing on the branches
and the lichen that seems to grow on anything
the dead logs are just left....and the new trees grown through them
oh...and another lake....with a few peaceful
Back on the road....Mount Bachelor is fogged in, but its right there
we were lucky the weather was just spotty - we had some clear moments too throughout the day
fascinating to me...mountains of pine and mountains of volcanic rock...
The weather was holding up when we stopped at Devil's Lake again on our way back, and we took a hike around the small lake. It was gorgeous. There were campsites (tents only) scattered randomly around the lake too. Even though it was a pretty cool day (30's and 40's, depending on the elevation on the drive), there were still people camping, though not too many. 

This lake was so pretty, with gorgeous green and turquoise water. Some areas on our hike around the lake were normal wooded areas with a dirt floor, and other areas were volcanic rock. What a variety. You can see that in the hills surrounding the lake too. 

so pretty
a tree family-hahah
flowers were blooming on the lava rocks as well
Tom paying our park use fee
starting our hike around the lake-trails through the lava beds
this is so nice Susie!
ducks enjoying the water as much as we were
a bit of leftover snow
careful now...
just look at that water!
the view from the end of the lake
this is spectacular-nature's beauty!
some of the path was lined in volcanic rocks
more flowers taking hold in the lava rocks
want to head into the forest now?
look at all those pesky bugs!!
hello there
the landscape is so different on this side of the lake
I know Susie...your favorite ledges...pinetrees....soft pine needle dirt....a beautiful lake...snow...cold weather
really enjoying this beautiful area!
moving right along
these are nice
such a pretty view
By later in the afternoon, the weather had cleared up a little more and we were able to see the mountain across the valley and Spark Lake, which we couldn't see in the morning. The views were awesome and I can only imagine on a sunny day what the area would be like. Though, I must say, the dark clouds gave a dramatic touch to our views!

lots more visibility here at Sparks Lake than we had this morning
still some very dark threatening clouds
Even though the skies were threatening, we started out on a short hike at Spark Lake. What a treat! We really enjoyed this interesting hike through lava rocks. I was especially thrilled that there were no ledges or cliffs...hahahah!

Ray Atkeson was a renowned nature photographer in the Central Oregon
the beginning of the trail is fully accesssible
such cool volcanic landscape here
the views of the mountains were really nice as well
check out that landscape...a little bit of everything nature has to offer
another view
mountains are peaking out...but I think the clouds are going to win today

this was the dedication spot for the photographer this trail was dedicated to
such a cool landscape

a couple of paddlers enjoying the serene environment
the trail heads into the woods here
some obstacles along the way
a closeup of some interesting things
how cool is that?
lots of lava rocks...and the trees can grow out of them!
the trail cuts through the lava rocks in places
lichen growing on the lava rocks
a big rift right next to the trail
the trail meanders along the lake for a bit
Oregon's answer to Utah's slot canyons! Ha! Part of the trail went through Davis Canyon (?), a short canyon of lava rock! Very cool .... and no rock scrambling required! Yeah!  The only obstacles were some fallen trees we needed to duck under.

I think its considered a slot if you can touch both walls with your arms outstretched???
its not really a slot, but it sure is a fun canyon
wonderful geology here
lava rocks, moss....hmmm, a bit like Iceland
still some snow here in parts
a few obstacles
fun times
looks like something could live in that little "cave"
this is easier for short people! 
an interesting hike!
and no ledges!
you can see how the lava just oozed and fell over
And so ends our exploration of the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway. What a treat!

heading back to the campground

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