Friday, May 22, 2015

Crater Lake.....................

I have no words to describe Crater Lake National Park. It is a special place. Serene. Pristine. The bluest water I've ever seen. Thousands of years ago, an active volcano, Mount Mazuma, spouted lava in several places ....and then more...and then circularly around the volcano top so that the ENTIRE top of the volcano blew and the top of the volcano collapsed. Lava flowed for 30 miles around the volcano, killing everything in its path.

On the up side, the snow and rain filled the crater left from this eruption, and over thousands of years, filled the crater. The only source of water in this, the deepest lake in the country, is snow and rain. For that reason, the water is pristine. The lake is over 1900 feet deep.

The Visitor Center at the southern end of the park shows a movie on the hour and the half hour. It is one of the most interesting national park movies we've seen. Well, actually, they are ALL interesting if you ask me. For more information on Crater Lake National Park, click here

I really have no words to describe this natural wonder...its a gift of nature. Maybe the pictures below will give a sense of this magical place.

ready for an adventure?
heading to Crater Lake (lots of roads in Oregon look just like this-how nice, right?)

heading to Crater Lake-North Entrance opened for the season-yippee!!
passing by "pumice" fields in the park
The West Rim of the park was open, but the East Rim was closed due to snow cover. It won't open till the end of June or so. We were able to drive along the scenic road through the park on the West Rim from the North Entrance to the South Entrance, and then we drove back. It was beautiful, with many pullouts to view the lake.

lots of snow still here-only the West Rim was opened
threatening skies
snow is starting to melt
This is absolutely the rangers say...its not a National Park for nuthin'
the roads were a bit edge-y
they get lots of snow up here
view on opposite side of the lake
parts of the drive were like Pike's Peak with snow
hoping the weather holds out (which it did)!!
snow stick...they average 44 FEET per year!!!!!
That's a lot of snow!
lava rocks underneath
this is still the West rim
stopping here for another scenic overlook -and the bathroom :)
ranger station?
this is incredibly beautiful
the water is a deep deep blue -the photos don't do it justice-but look at the edge of the lake to get the real color
rocky volcanic edge....the whole volcano top blew
the resulting crater filled with snow and rain water
Its the deepest lake in the country
not spring fed at all...just snow and rain
this is a special place
what a place to live-little birdie!
some of the overlooks only had a narrow path in the snow to get to the edge
by the way, it was freezing, but we were so excited to be here we were warm enough :)
love the colors
side of the Crater
held my breath on this part of the road
the weather was still holding up for us
another view
there is a cinder cone peaking out of the lake and the colors around the coast are gorgeous
one of the prettiest places on earth
the cinder cone...just the top shows above the lake
hyperventilated on this part of the road (just kidding-believe it or not, I was pretty good)!
looking outward
more views of the crater
sorry...just can't stop taking pictures! The views were astounding! And the color!
look...and the sky is clearing just a bit for us
another view
the colors are spectacular 
heading to the Rim Village (bathrooms, cafeteria, gift shop)
the bathroom/gift shop/cafeteria
and still the views 
just incredible
an overview from the Rim Village
They get 44 FEET of snow per year....its starting to melt...the building can be really socked in!!
more views
First view...really does take your breath away
um....I don't think so (all the trails were closed due to snow)
such a serene and special place
We can't stop looking at the lake:)
another view
close up of the beautiful colors on the coast of the cinder cone "island"
okay...we are heading back home now
its a lot easier on this side of the me on that
huge storm moving in...we were so lucky to have a good day (often the lake is socked in with clouds and you can't see it)
I guess we kinda liked it here!
another shot of the crater edges surrounding the lake
close up of the cinder cone island
snow covered trails
oh are a brave one!!
one last look
Towards the North End of the park are "Pumice Deserts"-ground up lava rocks from the elements. These pumice deserts are 300 feet deep!

What a day! What an extraordinary lake! So happy it is a National Park for all of us to enjoy!

back home for in time for dinner
I cut up all the veggies.....really!
the chef

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