Sunday, May 31, 2015

Birthday celebration............

Happy Birthday Tom!!! His choice of how to celebrate this special day....Seal Rock State Park again. We had such a fun day exploring the tide pools, so we went down to the beach to explore a little more and possibly just sit and relax and watch the water. The beach was empty when we got there - only about two other people walking on the beach. We were commenting on how lucky we were to have our own private STUNNING beach! Next thing you know, we turned around and saw we had company. Hahahahah!
is there a better way to celebrate my birthday?
there goes a couple of brown pelicans - my favorites
beautiful picture of the pelicans soaring out to sea
here comes a class trip to the tide pools!!
wow...that's a lot of kids coming down here
love the crashing waves on this beach
this beach is so picturesque
more ocean views
the colors were striking this day

wait...what's that?
the crashing waves! sound effects were pretty good too!
we see  you two little guys
wonder if they were there the other day as well?
they are not bothered by the crashing waves...they know they can nap in peace for a bit until high tide
love these
another view of the seals
see the ones in the water too?
we had fun watching these guys for a while
before settling down to watch the waves
more starfish...but not nearly as many as the other day
thundering waves
what a great birthday!
this is an awesome beach...always something exciting to look at

aahh...a nice birthday photo
it really was a lovely morning here at the beach
let's stay a while and watch the waves
view from our chairs
waves crashing through
going for a nice little swim
the gulls enjoying the beach
still looking for whales?
no whales today!

As we've driven through Oregon, we've noticed cute little express coffee shops along the roads we've traveled, but we haven't stopped in any (yet). They are coffee drive-throughs and seem to be very popular. One is cuter than the next, but I'm not sure how the coffee is. Haha! I will have to stop and try one. We haven't seen these coffee shops anywhere else in our travels throughout the country. Not sure if its just an Oregon thing...but I kinda like it!

coffee drive-through
another coffee-drive through
one more!
After a busy morning on the beach, we went and enjoyed a delicious seafood lunch at Luna Sea Fish House. It was not much to look at from the outside, and was not fancy at all, but it was so delicious. We had a late lunch...around 2....and the place was packed! Looked like a lot of locals as well, which is always a good sign. 
birthday lunch
Happy happy birthday Tom and many many more
bottoms up
and the diet coke was great too...hahahah

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Yaquina Head..............

Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area is just that...outstanding! For more information, click here. Right from the parking lot, things were exciting for us. A peregrine falcon and nest was perched on the hill overlooking the parking lot! Photographers were patiently waiting for little heads to peek out at them from the nest perched on the rocky hillside. Such patience!

peregrine falcon
close up
The Visitor's Center was really good, and had a film on the lighthouse, which was very interesting to us. (I really like the informative films offered at Visitor Centers)! After getting a map and the lay of the land, we headed out on foot for the coast. The views were spectacular.

beach at Yaquina
there's the lighthouse now
looks like a postcard!
the rocks are teeming with wildlife
It is nesting time for many of the sea birds. We were told that the murres, the ones that look like penguins, nest here for the month of May or so, and then they are out at sea for the rest of the year and you don't see them. We were very lucky, there were thousands of them here. They were so loud too, as you can imagine. Very cool!

lots of sea birds!
We were so busy looking at the birds, we didn't see the sea lions at first! They are so big...and fun to watch as well. Especially the young ones.

sea lions AND birds, that is!
close up
The lighthouse offers tours, which we declined, and you  need to sign up for them in the Visitor's Center in advance. The folks that just drove up to the lighthouse without stopping at the Visitor's Center first had no idea about that and seemed a bit disappointed that they couldn't just walk in and explore on their own.

another post card!
the coast is so scenic!
Once we rounded the bend and got closer to the lighthouse, the sound was deafening. So many birds! It was awesome to see, and we were happy we remembered our binoculars for this little outing! It was like watching a Nat Geo special! Fun! It really got exciting when a bird of prey flew in to the mix (a turkey vulture), and wow it got loud! No casualties that we could see...truth be told, that's the part of nature I don't like watching.

TONS of birds nesting
mostly murres....they look like penguins
and the sea lions are on the lower rocks in the water
the full picture...lighthouse, birds, sea lions
lots and lots of birds! Very loud here too!
good one for us all to remember
close up-fascinating to watch through binoculars
from a distance
view from the other side of the lighthouse
this is fascinating! we are witnessing another Nat Geo special!
Yaquina Head Lighthouse
yikes-a bird of prey!!
swooping in
As we walked back toward the tide pools, we stopped again to observe the sea lions. We really enjoyed watching a mom and its young one trying to get on a rock. It was so funny. Once the pup got up on the rock, and the mom got up there too, the young one just slid back in the water on purpose. Then the mom had to go back in, and it started all over again. No wonder the moms are exhausted and laying around when they can! Haha!

baby sea lion/seal heading up on the rocks
Mom trying to coax the young pup onto the rock for a rest
they were such fun to watch
Mom coming up too for a nap
This is a very scenic area of the Oregon Coast...which is saying a lot because the whole coast is scenic! The views were spectacular.

the view 
the lighthouse is really sharp
After our fun of watching the sea lions in action, we headed to the tide pools. We walked over some really smooth lava stones to get to the water. Imagine that each grain of sand on the beach is actually a round smooth stone...that is what it was like walking on that beach.

heading down to the tidal pools here
these black smooth rocks are layers and layers deep...."fun" to walk on
We checked out the tide pools, where there were a ton of anemones and color! We were disappointed we didn't see any starfish, but we did see quite a lot of crabs in action, chowing down on seafood :)

tide pool with pretty flora
a crab, right in the middle of the pic...its black and circular and moved like crazy to catch "dinner"
very colorful
sooo green
It wasn't easy walking on the rocks, but no one got hurt so it was a good day! We really enjoyed watching the ocean waves crash through the rocks. Lucky us...walking the distance to the end of the beach...we spotted several sea lions lounging on a rock. So cool!

quite a workout walking on the rocks!
another view of the lighthouse
glad I have my hiking shoes and not my sandals!!
walking through to another cove
more nesting birds and sea lions
they are so close!
lots of wildlife here
so cool
a private rock...not too crowded
more tide pooling?
Once back up from the sea level, we were just gawking at the ocean, not really wanting to leave yet, when Tom spotted a huge whale! WOW! That was the biggest one we'd seen the size of a bus. I tried to get some good pictures, but it was tough. We followed the whale all the way back to the lighthouse viewing area. It was really cool to see such a huge whale so close to shore, and just past the nesting birds. So cool! We really had a fun day!

another whale! (middle of the picture above the rock)
close up...this one seemed huge! lots of birds out there too
amazing view of the close to shore
so many birds on the water...they don't seem to mind the whale
another shot
so cool
oh...and another puff!!
one last look of the whale out there...past the bird-covered rocks
very scenic lighthouse and great natural environment
the surfers like this beach!
another view out to sea
There are two lighthouses-Yaquina Head and Yaquina Bay. The lighthouse at Yaquina Bay is open and you can walk in and check out the rooms where the lighthouse keeper lived. I love that stuff! Its so much fun to see how other people a era that was not as easy as the one we live in!

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse
love the rooms to see how people lived
the living room
wow...that bed looks so uncomfortable
the guest room (and obviously the sewing room too)
the master bedroom
another bedroom
a look at the lighthouse from down below
this one was so cozy
Back at the ranch, our little friends came by to entertain us. They come by every evening, and we can watch them from the front seats in the RV. Who needs TV? Another great day on the Oregon coast!

we see you!
the bay outside our front window
bye bye you two!