Saturday, August 20, 2016

Working Our Way East.....................

Whew! We spent a couple of days in Albuquerque getting our RV repaired (successfully). Once we left our rig at La Mesa RV for the 2 day job, we headed to Barnes and Noble first thing. We shopped for a bit (Jack!) and had our breakfast there at the Starbucks Cafe. Afterwards, a trip to Michael's was in order. We had lunch at Chili's before heading out to the big Cottonwood Mall. We actually spent the rest of the day there, shopping (Jack!), catching a movie (Jason Bourne!!), and eating Subway for dinner in the food court. Sounds like we did a lot of eating all day long, but no....not really. We just didn't have any of our normal food, since it was "home" in the camper. We actually had a fun time, since we normally don't do these things anymore. We didn't realized just how much our lifestyle has changed since we've been on the road exploring our country. We spent the night in a nearby hotel, and the next morning headed out to La Mesa to await our RV. We were soooo pleasantly surprised it was ready mid-morning! Yipee!!

After making sure the RV was in good repair (as far as we could tell), we hooked up the car and headed out to Santa Rosa, NM, for the night. We had a special Mexican dinner there to celebrate the start of our journey back. We actually have a favorite place to eat in Santa Rosa, as that always seemed to be a stop-over point when we drove cross-country. Funny, our RV customer service manager suggested the same restaurant once he found out where we were headed.

After a pleasant night in Santa Rosa, in our huge RV (wow...with the big slide out, it really makes a huge difference) we headed out to Amarillo, TX.  YeeeHaaaa! We picked a really nice campground, with concrete pad sites and nice paved roads (good for walking!). It is especially clean and well cared for. We really appreciated the concrete and pavement once the rain started!

chillaxin' in Amarillo
lots of Rt. 66 stuff
nice pool!
We had quite a wild weather evening! It rained off and on all evening, and then about 9PM, we put all the slides in!! The wind, rain, thunder, and lightning were all pretty severe at that point. The weather alerts also suggested seeking shelter in a building (YIKES!!!). We were ready to bail out of the camper if it got much worse. The restroom/laundry is right across the way from our camper. After a couple of unnerving hours, things settled down and we put the slides back out. Whew!
out big slide is all fixed now :)
this rainbow went all the way was early in the evening....before the really severe stuff passed through....
The temperature dropped about 20 degrees the next day. We went from 95, to an expected high of 70. Amazingly, most people were wearing was that cool early in the day. Texas in August! We had a couple of errands to take care of, and on the way we stopped at Cadillac Ranch, about a mile from our campground.

Cadillac Ranch is not really a ranch, but rather an "Art Exhibit" in a field on Rt. 66. For more information, click here. Visitors can bring spray paint, and create. There were quite a lot of people stopping as they traveled Rt. 40. A good leg stretcher and something fun to see if you happen to be driving by! After all the rain the night before, it was quite muddy in spots. That didn't seem to stop anyone from walking through the field to the caddies!

Cadillac Ranch
the entrance to the field
a Roadside America Attraction
love the colors
crazy, right?
you can see we had really heavy rain last night
there it is....Cadillac Ranch
in the middle of the field
healthy looking plants!
At another RV Park along Rt 66, check out the yellow says "2nd Amendment Cowboy"...this is Texas, baby!
After another night in Amarillo,  we will be traveling through Oklahoma for the next few days. So nice to have our RV back, and able to have the big slide out. We feel like we are living in a mansion now! It is incredible not only what you get used to, but how quickly you get used to it.

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