Friday, August 12, 2016

Sunny Views from Trail Ridge Road..................

With only a couple of days left in Rocky Mountain National Park, we chose to drive Trail Ridge Road again, to the other side of the park. Lucky was sunny this time....and the views were awesome. Chatting with another shutterbug, he suggested that taking pictures in Rocky be illegal because they just don't really capture the beauty. I think he might be right! The magnitude of these mountains and the sharply slanted hillsides just can't seem to be captured in a photo.
overview...with Trail Ridge Road on the right mountainside
cute little pica
oh boy
the views are was fogged in the other day
there are two lakes across the way  
look what we missed the other day
above the treeline - the lava cliffs ahead
 Some of these areas were completely fogged in the other day when we drove this road. And wow....what we missed! Glad we took the opportunity to travel Trail Ridge again. It is quite a road, and may actually have been easier (on me) with the fog. Hahhaha. Take a look at some of the views...I have no words!

lave cliffs
I bet that water is cold!
Isn't this awesome!
where is the fog when you need it? Woah!
I'm crying now (not really...I handled this drive pretty the passenger!)
what views!
a picture
oh...another so scenic
more mountains way in the distance
so lush and green

don't get too close to the edge there Tom!
look at those rolling hillsides-so steep
Once we got to the Alpine Visitor Center, we decided to hike up to the top of the trail for more views. We went very was pretty steep and at high elevation. They call it Huff Hill, for obvious reasons. The air is pretty thin up there! We stopped a lot on the way up, so enjoy some of the alpine flower pics I took while resting. The views all around were fabulous! Breathtaking....really!
the Alpine Visitor Center...we will be walking up that hill on the left
we are at elevation
such sweet alpine flowers along the hillside

ready to walk up there Tom?
the views were awesome
stopping for a breather
another breather...this hill was tough!

not too much further
just look at that!
we made it to the top!
so worth the views from up here...just magnificent!
over 12,000 feet up here
The Rockies
breathtakingly beautiful
the views up here were worth that walk up!
a picture!
ready to head down?
way easier going down!
we spotted elk on our way down from the hill
beautiful wildflowers covering the hillsides

who's taking a ton of pictures now??
We stopped at another scenic overlook that was fogged in on our previous visit. The expanse of this park is amazing, and it is all beautiful!

is this the best?
beautiful views everywhere
the dead trees are very many of them!
 Of course, we headed to the great moose habitat to see if we could spot any. No luck though. As we were gawking at the beauty of the place though, we were alarmed by all the dead trees. They have succumbed to the bark beetle. It is a real problem. When those dead trees fall, the landscape will look quite different!
looking for moose again?
not seeing any here....but that doesn't mean they aren't here
this is where we saw 5 moose the other day
so sad...all those dead trees
 As we headed on to our final destination of the day, Adams Falls, we saw a traffic jam and joined it. Someone had spotted a moose sitting under a tree! We were happy we got to share that view.

oh wait...what is that?
another moose :)
Adams Falls is next to Grand Lake, and the elevation change came with much warmer weather. The sun was shining, and we headed out on the very short hike to the waterfall. Since it was lunchtime, we brought our picnic with us up to the waterfalls and found a nice spot in the shade near the falls. Very nice.

heading to the waterfalls...a very short hike (uphill of course!)
a hint of what the Fall colors must be that's a beautiful time to visit this park...the Fall!
heading to the waterfalls
is it getting hot?
up we go
a nice retaining wall for this very popular waterfall
the other end
love the infinity pool
at the falls
lunchtime :)
we have to go up to get back too?
heading back ....down for a bit!
  Afterwards, we stopped at Grand Lake....since the sun was shining. We ate our lunch here the other day in the pouring rain. It was beautiful then too!

Grand Lake in the sun
a beautiful lake
 On the way back to the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park, we passed some forested areas where lots of dead trees had already fallen. Not a pretty sight! Sad.

bark beetle damage
lots of these dead trees have already fallen
 Oh, and then we hit another traffic jam....a moma moose hidden in the grass, and a baby buck nestled under a tree. Again, I don't know how people spot these hidden animals! Hope you can see them in my photos.

a baby buck
Mom resting in the high grass
The Continental Divide is located at Milnar Pass, and there were hiking trails on either side. Just for fun, we walked a little on each trail. A very little. We walked near the lake, and we noticed other hikers on the switchback way up high on the hillside. Time to turn around. Then, we walked over to the "Pacific Ocean Drainage" side of the Divide, and that trail was a beauty. We didn't walk very far though.

on the "Atlantic" side of the Continental Divide...a short hike around the lake
let's go to the "Pacific" side of the Continental Divide!
I like this trail....a lot
the hills are alive.....
Big horn sheep come down here too - but we still didn't see any
 Heading back, I took a few more pics to remember this incredible park and the Trail Ridge Road through it.

another wildlife  view on the mountainside
rain ahead

looks fake
this road is awesome
 Once again, we stopped at Sheep Lakes, and once again....we did not spot any sheep. Someone is getting all worked up I think (Tom!), but maybe he will see one before we leave. We are looking!

looking for big horn sheep?
ho hum....more elk (they are everywhere)
is that rain over our campground?

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