Thursday, July 28, 2016

Garden of the Gods hike and Olympic Training Center......................

Early Monday morning, we returned to Garden of the Gods Park to take a short hike. We were greeted by a couple of deer on the way in to the park. The weather was perfect at 8 am, so off we went on the short hike (1 mile?) to the Siamese Twins Rock.  

beautiful rocks glowing in the early morning sun, with Pike's Peak in the background
good morning!
perfect temperature for hiking
okay....this way!
can you see Pike's Peak in the distance? 
heading up
cool rocks up ahead
so cool
having fun climbing among the rocks
Pike's Peak behind me
the Siamese Twins Rocks
view of Pike's Peak through the Siamese Twins
we love this stuff
another view of the Siamese Twins
heading back down the other side of the trail-great views
an interesting trail
heading back now
the views are awesome
what is that?? that white thing buzzing in the middle of the picture?
yes, its a drone...some kids didn't want to take the hike (which is the only way to see the Siamese Twins Rock)
its a new world (but kids...seriously.....take the walk!)
After the fun, short hike, we hopped in the car and drove to Balancing Rock, which is a popular photo stop. Lots of folks having fun here on these rocks. Including us! Hahaha!  Our campground is about 5 minutes from this point, so we headed back home for lunch. On the way, we passed an interesting sign/building, also near our campground. Again, its a different world. Pot (or whatever its called now) is legal in Colorado, though there are rules as to where and how much, etc. I'm not familiar with the details (recreational vs. medical), because, well...I am just not into it.

Balancing Rock
my he-man!
it really is a balancing rock!
not sure if this is just medical marijuana...
After lunch, we headed out to the Olympic Training Center. What an exciting time to go, with the Olympics starting next week in Rio! Most of the athletes are either already there, or being "processed" in Houston before going to Rio. All papers, etc. for the athletes must be in order, and they do it together in a group in Houston. GOOD LUCK ATHLETES!!!!!

Olympic Training Center
ready for the tour
We took the 45-minute tour through the complex, with a very enthusiastic tour guide. He was great! Some of the training that goes on here is shooting, wrestling, swimming, gymnastics, pentathletes, and more. Paralympians train here as well. We went into several buildings, starting with the Shooting Center. I am not too familiar with these competitions, but we saw the shooting range where the athletes train. We saw one guy who was competing in short-range, where the bulls-eye is as big as the period at the end of this sentence. They do not use ammo, but rather laser guns. I may have my facts wrong, but it was interesting to see and so inspiring to see an athlete up close. I will be sure to watch for him in the Olympics!

part of the campus
just awesome to walk on this campus (you have to be with the tour guide!)
the Shooting Center

an Olympic athlete!!
Good Luck!!!!
As our tour group headed out across the campus, we passed another athlete training. This fellow was from another country (?) and was heading to Rio soon to compete in the Pentathlon. He had a big smile on his face as he passed us. You could just feel the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming Olympic Games. Really.....we wish them ALL the best....after years of training! WOW!

another Olympic athlete
fun artwork too
We also headed into the wrestling area, which was cool. There are not too many wrestlers from the U.S. that have made it to the Olympics lately, so there is a rumor (according to the tour guide) that this building may be used for something else.

our tour guide was the best!
wrestling arena
Then, on to my favorite areas....the living quarters for the athletes, as well as their dining room. We found it very interesting that the athletes usually stay at the Olympic Training Center for 3-6 years! It is totally free for the athlete, if they are accepted to train there. We were also very impressed with the medical facility and the analyses and treatment that can be performed on these guys when they have injuries. Apparently, it is not only difficult to get into the Olympic Training Center as an athlete, but also as a trainer or medical professional. This campus has the best of the best, in all respects!

swimming royalty
the dining hall on the left, the dorms on the right
My absolute favorite....and such a thrill for me....was to see the Olympic training pool. Ahhh! Michael Phelps was just here for about 3 months, with his coach, but is now in Rio. Not sure who is in the pool now, but the Olympic swim team has already left for Rio.

what an awesome pool!
not sure who is swimming here...the Olympic Swim Team is in Rio (or on their way)
There are inspiring posters, and pictures just everywhere. The whole place was inspiring to me. We next headed into the gymnasts building....which was enormous. The bleachers come out and seat 2000, if you can imagine. The Olympic gymnastic team just had an exhibition a few weeks ago, and the tour guide told us there were 2000 people attending. Too bad we missed that.

the oldest athlete (55) from the U.S. competing in the Olympics 
Paralympic training goes on here too

inspiring sayings everywhere
I have to GET to the gym! That's my real problem!
the gymnasts practice here
this gym is huge
I didn't see the balance beam anywhere
more inspiration
the bleachers on either side of the gym come out and seat 2000!
fencing here in this gym too
One of our last stops was the "gym", where ALL the athletes train, regardless of their sport. What an amazing gym. ('d love this!).  The weights and machines are all downstairs, and there is an upper running track...which you can see. Its so wide open, bright and cheerful. Pike's Peak is visible from the windows (couldn't capture that in my pics due to the lighting).

beautiful campus

the gym....ALL the athletes come matter what their sport
working hard
running track upstairs, and a view of Pike's Peak out those huge windows
As we ended our tour, our guide showed us the torch located on top of the building. It will be lit Aug 5th, and remain burning throughout the Olympics. There will also be a big celebration in the center of Colorado Springs, open to the public, where another torch will be lit by a (former) Olympian, and lots of celebration and excitement is promised for that event.

the torch will be lit Aug 5th
so much excitement can feel it
beautiful little spot
It was a very inspiring place to be, especially right before the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio!!

our in front of the Visitor Center
just beautiful
what a great sculpture....really captures the emotions of winning!
who will stand here?? 
great tour
Our ride back home was along the Rockies, with great views of Pike's Peak. Again, we spotted another place for weed...pot...or whatever its called now. Times are changing! Happy hour by the gram!

heading home along the base of the Rockies
What does that say? Happy Hour $5 grams??  Its a different world!

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