Sunday, July 10, 2016

Canyon Road, Santa Fe.....................

Soooooo, it seems we have big trouble with our RV right now. After being in the shop all day Thursday, it was determined that the top rollers on the big slide broke, and we were lucky we were able to get the slide in at all. Wow! Of course, its a big job (2 days), and the parts are huge and must be trucked in from Winnebego (7 days), AND our extended care warranty (that thankfully we purchased!) needs to send out an inspector to be sure that this work needs to be done before they can approve it. (Something about fraud in the industry....). Needless to say, we cancelled our week-long reservation at a campground in Santa Fe, and Albuquerque will be our home for the next couple of weeks!

In the meantime, we are able to live in our camper, with the big slide IN, at the same campground conveniently located 2 blocks away from La Mesa RV (repair shop), and we are at the same gorgeous site with the shade that we REALLY like! Monday or Tuesday, we are expecting to receive a phone call to bring our camper in for the inspector to "inspect", and then the parts will be ordered. We will live in the campground until the parts come in. That's all we know right now, and I imagine that could change.Though no one wants to have issues with their "home on wheels", we do consider ourselves really lucky to have this happen when we are 2 blocks away from a reputable Winnebego service center! We have been in some pretty remote places in our travels....just sayin'.

taking pictures of the Sandia Mountains we see from our campground....on what we thought was our last night here
its so hard to get a good picture from here, but from our campsite we see the tips of the mountains and its lovely
heading back to our "street"
Santa Fe is only an hour from Albuquerque, so we decided to "commute" to visit the area. It would have been nice to have Santa Fe as our backyard, but that's most likely not going to happen. There were a few things on our wishlist for the area, one of which was visiting Canyon Road....a mile-long road filled with art galleries!

We had such a wonderful time walking in and around these galleries. One of the gallery owners was from Freehold, NJ, and befriended us very quickly. Offered us parking in his lot for the day, no problem, and suggested some fun things to do in the area. We had a good time talking about NJ, and travel in general. Its such a small world! Really! He had fabulous pieces in his gallery, and we would have loved to purchase a few things, but: budget, space, logistics......One can dream though!

We both really enjoyed our morning in the galleries. So many interesting pieces! Tom actually thoroughly enjoyed himself too!! That's how good it was! Hahaha....and he doesn't usually go out of his way for stuff like that. We had more places to visit, but the area was quite congested with the International Folk Art Festival going on not far away. Artists came from all over the world to display their work this weekend. We are planning to go to the Int'l Folk Art Museum another day, when we can park our car! Parking was a nightmare this weekend.

driving back to Albuquerque from Santa Fe....beautiful drive....great colors
On the lovely drive back to Albuquerque, the air-conditioner was not working properly for some reason. Tom didn't seem to notice (he likes the heat), but it had to be at least 90 in the car with the air on. It was about 100 outside, so it could have been worse....I guess.....but I was starting to panic. As we rolled into Albuquerque, we made a stop for an errand, and when we got back in the sauna car, the air seemed to be working well. Let's just hope that was some sort of a fluke! Tom thinks it was too hot and we were driving too fast (75mph speed limit) for the a/c to work properly. I'll go with that....hahah. A trip to the Ford dealer may be on our agenda for next week though....we'll see! Its waaay too hot here to fool around with no a/c!! (I know I'm spoiled rotten. I can take the cold, but not the heat!)

What's it like with the big slide "IN"? Take a look....we are very comfortable with the space we have. It seems the only "tight" space is the hallway, making it a little challenging to get stuff from the fridge. That could be a good thing!!

my office
Tom's office
the kitchen is good!
a little tight in the hallway....
same amount of room here, and perfectly comfortable
yep....we're good!!

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