Saturday, December 12, 2015


Tubac is another cool, artsy town in southwest Arizona. We were lucky to be here during the Luminaria Lights Festival weekend on Friday, Dec. 4th. Arriving in the late afternoon, the sun was strong and hot as we meandered in and out of the art galleries and shops. What cool stuff! The art work was really impressive to me. I loved the use of strong, vibrant colors in many of the paintings.

Tubac also located with beautiful mountains surrounding it
happy we were here during the Luminaria Nights Festival!
many shops and art galleries 
the scenery was fantastic...glad to be here during the daylight too!
the shops and galleries as we meandered through the alleyways (European-like)
art was everywhere
a very colorful place!
lots of garden art for sale
so, we are here....and want to go there.....
As the sun started to set, we stopped at a bistro for some dinner. Shelby's was recommended to us by our new neighbors, so we decided to eat there. It was perfect, and very crowded. The only seating available was outside, which we preferred anyway. The entire inside area of the restaurant was booked with reservations for the entire evening! We were lucky to get a table at all. It was really nice...and we enjoyed the beautiful music filtering in from a musician located just past the patio. Perfect!

dinner at Shelby's ....
left my jacket in the car...luckily they had heat lamps gets real cold real fast in the desert!
Happy Holidays
After dinner, we walked among all the shops and galleries, enjoying the millions of luminaries, which were everywhere! The Christmas lights were everywhere too, and it was just awesome. Very festive!! This is a very popular event in the area, and we were happy we were here to experience it. Even the shop owners said this was one of their most special nights here...what with all of the luminaries and lights, and musicians, and goodies available at most shops. Fun!!

the evening was magical with thousands of luminaries and holiday lights everywhere
the sculptures were really great too...loved this artsy area!
isn't that a great statue?
everything was festive! 
trying to capture some of the art here as well
enjoying the evening!
there are even luminaries on the rooftops of some of the buildings! (see upper left)
lots of shops here too
quirkiness too....check out the lit up car
my aunt had a car like this when we were young! (AQUA!!)
hard to capture all the lights
these were really pretty luminaries!
a big night out for us (ahhahaha!) much fun!

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