Friday, December 11, 2015

Gates Pass, Tucson.............

Gates Pass in Tucson is a mountain pass that meanders through the Tucson Mountains, not too far from our campground. We ventured out one afternoon to check it out. We had every intention of taking a hike, but the sun was just too strong for one of us, and it was too hot to be enjoyable, turned into an "auto hike".

picking up Gates Pass 
the scenery is picture perfect
the desert is quite something to see (at least for us New Jerseyans!)
the pass through the mountains
The scenery through the pass is gorgeous, and there are several places to turn out and just breath it in and admire the views. This is probably a great spot to watch the "sunset show", with the sun setting over the desert. I think I'll put that on our list...hahahah!

do you want to hike up that mountain behind me?
enjoying the views 
a commercial jet liner skims by the mountaintop
Tom, ever observant, noticed the bullet holes in the informational sign at one of the pullouts. It was more obvious when looking at the back of the sign. You never know what you will see. As we drove through the pass, it looked like the cactus were growing right through rock. The contrast in colors is beautiful.

check out the bullet holes!
seems like the cactus are growing out of the rock here along the pass
We stopped at the parking area at the top of the pass, and enjoyed the views from all directions. The area was alive with birds. There were also old rock structures that I believe were used by the Calvary, back in the day. The structures are still there, but we did not attempt to check them out...just viewed from a distance.

gorgeous views
wildlife abounds even in this harsh environment
a remaining stone structure used by the Calvary back in the day
close up
One side of the pass looks out over the Sonoran Desert, and you can see clear across to the next set of mountains. This is a harsh environment, and I often wonder how the early pioneers did it! Where is the water? And you have to watch where you walk...walking into a cactus is pretty painful! My mind really wanders as we walk through this environment.

There are a couple of short paths that you can walk on to get a better view of some of the desert and the sprawling city of Tucson, which is just lovely nestled in, surrounded by the mountains.

the pullout at the top of the pass-some signs and very short trails
the view over the desert
another structure...we did not hike up and explore...didn't see a trail
a couple of trails to get a better view of the desert
checking it out
a unexpected spot of color
the desert is gorgeous
calm down....its not THAT high and its not TOO much of a ledge (hahahah)
U.S. Air Force-F16'S? Three of them flying in a formation
Tucson tucked in to the valley below
Just beautiful

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