Monday, January 4, 2016

More Hiking in the White Tank Mountains................

The White Tank Mountains Regional Park is about a 20 minute drive from our "home", so we have been lucky to be able to frequent it often for some hiking. For more information, click here. There are about 25 miles of trails to chose from, depending on how much time we have, or the weather, or just how we are feeling. Plus, I think I've mentioned before, there are several nice picnic areas and bathrooms. Clean and modern. Nice! So, New Year's Eve day we decided to hike the Mule Deer trail (would be a 6.8 mile total, but we didn't go through the flat part of the desert), so we estimated we had about a 5-mile hike. What a nice trail (perfect for me!)-no intimidating heights to struggle with! The scenery was really nice as well.

check out that layer of smog
The trail started from the Visitor's Center, and was pretty flat for about the first mile or so. Once we started to climb a bit, the views out over the desert became really nice. We especially liked the mountains in the distance. However, if you look across the city to the mountains on the other side of Phoenix, you can see a thick layer of smog! Yuck! It was clear where we were, so we didn't think anything of it as we hiked. However, later when we got back home, my eyes were so itchy and scratchy, I thought for sure something was going on with me. It was bad. After I took a shower, no problem! Amazing. We are attributing my issues to the pollution. Just sayin'.

The next day we were planning on hiking again, but this time I checked the weather beforehand and there was an air quality alert in effect. We paid attention, and postponed our hiking a few days until the valley cleared. Wow! (We hear warnings on the radio periodically... "no burn" days.... where its illegal to burn wood that day, no firepits, barbeques, etc...due to pollution). Something to be aware of in this area.

thanks for the heads up!
heading to the trailhead
i think we are going on that mountain
resting up for a trailride later
hey would love this!
the higher you go, the better the view
pretty, isn't it?
see the trail in the hill on the right.....we are going there
its still pretty cool....are we really in Arizona? Its warmer in NJ
nicely graded trails
wide enough so no height issues....ugh...I know....
there's the trail up there
almost 'round the mountain
looking out across the desert
heading round the mountain
a close up of University of Phoenix stadium (last year's superbowl venue) from the top of the mountain....check out the smog!
It was fun hiking up and over the hills, a nice workout but not too strenuous that we couldn't enjoy the scenery. Many of the trails are shared trails, with bikes or horses, and you never know what you will see. As we were walking along, we spotted some "pink" in the distance....turns out it was a riding group made up of young "cowgirls". They looked like they were having a great time....something our daughter would have loved doing back in the day. Did I mention, you never know what you will see? As the girls were heading UP the hill we just came down, another group of riders were coming DOWN the narrow trail. Uh oh! We watched as the young people kept their horses still and to the side off the trail a bit as the other group passed them....keeping short reins on their horses. Glad we were already off that part of the mountain for that! We were at the bottom looking up.

which way do we go?
heads up!
the girls are heading up the hill we just came down
uh oh....another group is coming down! (look at ALMOST the top of the hill to see the horses)
the trails are relatively wide....not wide enough for 2 horses though!
the girls pulled off the trail
good job everyone!
I forget why you are pointing? Are we going back over that mountain?
no ledges! nice!
 We continued hiking along the trail until it ended and it met up with another, and decided it was time to turn around. Though the temp when we started was a brisk 50ish, the sun really warmed things up after a while. My family and friends know I run hot, regardless, but when Tom takes his hat know its toasty!

pretty view-the desert IS really pretty
gulp...gulp....ahhhhhh (and I have 2 more bottles in my pack ; /  )
its hot!
After a few more days of "smog", the weather cleared and we were able to check out some more trails. We started on the Mule Deer trail again, this time in the other direction....through the flat desert. I brought my hiking poles to get used to them, with the hope they will help me when I have my height issues going on. (I'm a package, aren't I? Poor Tom!) Anyway, the trail was so flat, that it was pretty hard to determine if they would be that helpful for me. It was kind of early in the morning, and the sun was hitting our backs the whole time we were walking. It was getting really hot, and when we reached the end of the trail, we turned around and decided to call it a day. BUT, luckily a breeze kicked in and cooled us off as we walked back to the start of the trailhead, and we decided to stay in the park and check out another trail. Glad we did!

another beautiful day for a hike
trying out my hiking poles on a flat trail? Finally remembered to bring them!
is it hot already or is it me??
love the halo effect when the sun is down a bit on the horizon

this is a pretty picture!
are we having fun yet Susie?  (Susie is getting hot and crabby!)
doesn't that hurt?
lots of horses ride these trails through this would love it Jess!
We drove around to another section of the park, and stopped for lunch at a nice ramada with a lot of shade. Well, guess what? It was too cold for us! Hahaha. Seriously! As we were standing there eating our lunch, we heard and saw a helicopter, which is never good when you are hiking! Turns out, it was a demonstration, but we didn't know for sure until we saw the helicopter from the trail. Whew! And after I saw the brave rescuer hanging from the chopper with a backboard, I realized just how important it is for me to pay attention and not trip and fall and break something. No way I could handle that ride down a mountain! Just sayin'.

horses being trailed in the park....lots of horse trails here...and they look like they enjoy the trails, at least in the winter
we picked out a ramada with lots of shade and it was too cold!! Hhahahah
what is that?  Can't be good
oh boy....he's landing
oh wait....what is going on? the chopper went back up and something is hanging off it
oh man.....can you just imagine?????
weeeeeeee................(this guy is really brave, as are all first responders, right Robbie and Tim?)
ok...breaks over....time to hike
the hiking poles don't stay in my backpack....i need to fix that!
the helicopter rescue was a demo (thankfully!)
we continued on the trail....didn't stop to see the chopper....
So, after that excitement, we headed on the Waddell Trail for a bit, a connecting trail we were on our first day here. I didn't even realize it....hahahah...its the good thing I am with Tom! I would be so lost. Anyway, we connected with the Mesquite Trail, and started on that for about another mile or so going UP for most of it, before turning back. We had already walked about 5 miles and didn't want to overdo it. We will return to do that trail looks like a good one! I will definitely bring the hiking poles on that hike:)

lots of  benches along the trail here...the views are really nice to ponder (either that or the trail is a bit strenuous)
another chair....think I'll keep the hiking poles out
heading up the Mesquite trail
oh very helpful!
the trail goes up that mountain on the left (the first one, at least)
looks like switchbacks...see the 2 different groups of hikers
nice wide trail...i like that, especially when we are high up and there could be a steep drop off
love the hiking poles, by the by!
lots of switchbacks
let's head back Susie!

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