Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lots of Lakes....

After an evening of strong thunderstorms, and even hail, we got ourselves up and out very early again to engage in our favorite new hobby....wildlife viewing! I love the early morning in the park. It's so quiet, and really beautiful. The pictures only hint at how beautiful it is.

check out the hail on the windshield wipers

early morning 

more early morning


so peaceful

bear in the distance by the tree (and carcass)

So we were on our way to see if we could spot some wildlife. Turns out, there were 3 bears on the carcass we were watching yesterday. A mom, and 2 young  ones. And, across the street, three grizzlies came up over the ridge and were chasing 2 wolves down the hill. Of course, you needed binoculars to watch the show, but it was so amazing. Way too far away for pictures. There were a bunch of us looking in all directions, 'cause you never know what will show up and where. I have to say, everyone doing this early morning viewing is so friendly and enthusiastic.

One bear had enough, and after a while, took a swim in the river. Maybe he was cleaning himself off from the meal? eeww....but that is nature! 

bear heading to the river
just trying to stay clean?
close up
We stayed around for about an hour or two. Watching wildlife like that is really addicting. (Almost as addicting as Candy Crush-haha!). We wanted to explore Fishing Bridge area and Lake Yellowstone, as we hadn't spent any time there. We had a beautiful day, and the water and views were really nice. The whole Yellowstone area is pretty wild and crazy...even along the banks of Lake Yellowstone, there are hot springs. There are geysers in the lake in some areas too. Wild stuff!

Yellowstone Lake
this lake is HUGE
mountains in the background
some of the shoreline
hot spring right next to the lake
 Much of the forest in this area has burned down, but you can see the regrowth. At one overlook, in the middle of the very young forest, a grizzly was checking under the logs for some insects. The grizzlies are just the mountains, meadows and near the lake too!

charred forest

grizzly bear scavenging for insects among the dead trees

the grizzly is off in these woods...right near the lake
 We rode past Lake Yellowstone and out the East Entrance to the park, just to check it out. There are lots of impremountains and forests here , and it is much quieter than other areas of the park. That's good for the wildlife! When we first got to Yellowstone, the fire danger chart was in the green....little chance of fire. Now, its progressed to yellow-moderate chance.
beautiful impressive mountains near the east entrance of Yellowstone

beautiful mountain views
more bikers! as in bicycle!!Wow...on these hills!!
fire the yellow now

beautiful scenery all around, mountains, rivers, streams

impressive canyons

looking for bears?

a lake along the drive to the East Entrance-nice!


Remnants of burned lodgepole pine forests are everywhere and the underlying green underbrush and wildflowers can be seen growing. Lots of burned areas visible throughout the park. The forest fires actually help keep the ecosystem balanced, and are just as necessary as water and sun. Fire is needed to melt the wax on the pinecones and enable new growth. There have been many forest fires in Yellowstone, the largest one in 1988, when 36% of the park burned. For more information, click here

lots of charred forests
you can see the greenery coming back
more char
Lake in the background
sad to look at...but its nature
imagine a roaring fire right next to this huge lake
greenery and wildflowers coming back pretty
still can't get enough of the wildflowers!
so many nice colors
randomly growing wildflowers
so pretty-really!
 Heading back "home", we stopped again at the lake and admired the beautiful view with the mountains in the background.
such a huge lake (Yellowstone Lake)
what you can't see are the millions of mosquitos!
very scenic view
 We made one more stop and that was to explore Firehole Lake Drive, which had been closed earlier in our stay here due to the road melting. It was hot during the days (mid 80's and that wicked sun), and its really hot under the ground here, obviously. I'll never forget the one visitor said to us at one of the geyser basins....this place seems like its ready to blow!! Anyway, glad the road was reopened. There were some really neat hydrothermal features.

first stop...isn't that beautiful
really hot bubbling spring
this geyser went off for about an hour and a half (we heard!)
I like this deep blue springs too
hot hot hot
pretty interesting landscape, huh?
love the colors
from a distance
close up
a good reason to stay on trails only! Check out this landscape
still spouting-for about an hour and a half
this is a stream geyser
we did not wait for it to "go"
very interesting to see the layers
its pretty hot wonder the road melted
this road was closed for about a week
very interesting area...glad the road reopened
 I just love all the colors and patterns we see here in nature. And I can't help but think some of these hot spring pools would make great prototypes for a spa/hotel/home pool, complete with the coloring and water bubbling up. Of course, the temperature would have to be adjusted.

such variety in color
hot hot hot!
interesting patterns and colors
more hot springs..this one has "rapids"
interesting stuff in the hot spring
the "rapids"
lots going on here...

a few more geysers
pretty;...and active too
lots of hydro-thermal energy here
looks like marble, doesn't it?
continually erupting
mesmerizing to watch
at Firehole Lake
another eruption!
the other side of  Firehole Lake

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