Saturday, June 14, 2014

Whirlwind of a week......

Last week, we left our RV to get serviced (the little things in the coach that are under warranty) at Dakota RV in Rapid City and then proceeded to the airport for a quick trip east to take care of business, and of course to visit with as many family/friends as we could. Since we had to be at the RV shop very early, we basically packed up and put the slides in early in the evening before we were leaving. Then look what came by! I tell ya, the weather here is something to watch!! (By the way, we give great reviews for Dakota RV in Rapid City!).

Oh no Susie, another storm coming
We flew to NJ with quite an ambitious agenda. The main reason for the timing of this trip was to take care of business on our house. We finished cleaning/moving out, met with the buyers to show them how things work, met with our lawyer and real estate agent, and visited family and friends. We had only 4 days in NJ to do all of this, so I was really happy to be able to have lunch with some of my former co-workers. I was also really lucky to be able to meet with some of my knitting friends-I really miss our weekly meet-ups!
my work buddies! 
We enjoyed our deck for a few last meals at our house. We've spent many hours out there over the years, and it was nice to wind down out there. Seemed only fitting. The house is still under contract, with the closing scheduled at the end of the month. We are not expecting any problems now, as everything has been inspected/approved etc. (You never really know until its over-but we are all optimistic!)

our last relaxing breakfast on the deck
the new family will enjoy this
on our way to the closing
We were thrilled to  celebrate family June events at my sister Lisa's house. Everyone was able to make it, and it was just great to see everyone before we heading out west again. It was very comforting to see that everyone seemed to be doing well. That is the only really hard part about this lifestyle....not SEEING your framily, but with skype, google hangout, texting, cell phones, is a little easier.

catching up 
getting the latest news in person
Nice pic E and Steve!
exciting game
close game...the girls are winning!
the fans watching the tight game
So many things to celebrate...besides just life in general. And a cake to celebrate each!! WOW! We celebrated Katie's 21st bday, Tom/me new home, Grandma's birthday...and though there was not a separate cake, we also celebrated Father's Day. Did I forget anything? Needless to say, a good time was had by all! A few more pounds could have been gained too!!

cake boss cupcakes-yum!
there she is .... 21!
we each had our eyes on a favorite cake
lots of choices
I totally forgot to take pictures of my dear knitting friends, who I was able to meet up with the day before we drove to Virginia. I think I was just so happy to catch up in person!

The morning we left for Virginia was our last morning at the house. No more keys! I took pictures of every room...pretty much empty except for what the new buyers wanted. We tried to take another last walk around the 'hood to bid farewell again to some of the neighbors, but between time and weather, we missed a few.

We had a fabulous life in our house, and we leave with very good memories-beginning with the actual building of the house by Tom and his father, among others. Lots of personal investment, that's for sure. We were very lucky and had a life well lived in that house, and hope the new young family moving in will have the same! Funny, but we have no sad feelings moving on. It just feels right to both of us.

leaving today!
after 30 years!
okay...time to go
its been wonderful here
heading down the driveway
Jersey Traffic...5 lanes each way, all backed up! Fun times!
After NJ, we drove to Virginia for a short visit with Jess/Andrew in Charlottesville, and a quick trip for a meet-up with Chris in Roanoke before heading "home" to South Dakota. Remember, "Home" is where we park it!

I don't know what happened, but I totally forgot to take pics in Virginia, which I KNOW my kids are happy about...ahahah....right? They all look good...healthy and happy!

Our flight out of Charlottesville was cancelled due to very bad weather, so we stayed at Jess and Andrew's another day and caught the 6:20am flight Friday. Travelling early has many advantages! After a couple of flights, we were back in South Dakota by 10:00am, ready to pick up the camper. Later in the day, when the weather was severe, Rapid City airport clocked winds at 64 mph. If we were on a later flight, it would either have been delayed/cancelled or pretty wild!

We celebrated our return with dinner out at the local Pizza place around the corner from the campground. Tom is bionic, but I admit I was pretty beat after waking up at 4:00am, and having the day elongated due to the time changes. Wow! It is nice to have 26 hours in a day once in a while!

Cheers! Back in South Dakota
Of course, we were greeted with more weather and severe storm warnings by the evening. Luckily the storms went around us. Must have hit Rapid City (airport)! The horses next to the campground didn't seem worried at all.
Time to hunker down again?
Nah, I think this storm is going around us
they don't look worried either
too bad you can't see/hear the wind
Today I got up around 5:00am (since I'm a little messed up with time/day/location after the past week) and witnessed a severe storm while Tom was still peacefully sleeping. Thankfully, we didn't get any hail here this morning, but the warnings over the radio were for baseball sized hail in the next town over. Whew! We got plenty of lightening/thunder and rain though.

woah...lots of cloud to ground lightning
through it all, a rainbow

It was the weirdest thing...while this storm was going on, with all the rain and lightning and thunder, a rainbow appeared in front of my view out the front window of the camper. Amazing!

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