Sunday, June 22, 2014

The river runs through it......

The drive from Wyoming to Montana went very well, despite lots of road construction. Here, they seem to close one side of the highway, so there is two-way traffic on one side of the road. Yikes....though the speed limit is a little lower in these sections, it still is a bit unnerving, especially when there is no shoulder. Tom is a fantastic driver!

leaving Wyoming
lots of road construction
hello Montana
pretty country...quite expansive
train loaded with tanks-yikes
tons of them
another extremely long train - this one with coal
Billings, MT...starting to see the mountains now

rest stop break, with the mountains in the background (can you see the snowy peaks?)
We are staying at Spring Creek Campground and Trout Ranch in Big Timber, Montana at the best campsite I do believe we've ever had...including the tenting days! We are right on the Boulder River, and according to the owner, we have the best campsite in the place! For all you campers out there, it is Site #20. It is parking lot type camping here! And, its right on the river. For more info, click here

aahhh....what a view
best campsite ever!
 The view from the bedroom windows is more like that from a cruise ship....we see and hear rushing water. It is so peaceful! You can fish in this river, as well as in the stocked trout ponds on site, but we are not really into fishing. At all, actually. But if we were.....this would be an even better site..ahhaha.

view out the window
like a cruise ship
view out the other bedroom window
this is great!
Of course, we were only here a couple of hours when weather started moving in rather quickly. We vowed that this campground was so nice that we weren't even going to venture into the surrounding area in and around Big Timber. But with the weather moving in, we opted to drive into town and get a pizza to bring back. When we were through with our dinner, the skies opened up! It pretty much rained the rest of the night, so we could not really sit out by the river. 

in town, getting a pizza
weather coming in
its a little windy, but maybe the storm will miss us?

pouring rain
the sky sure is dark blue!
The next morning was gorgeous...bright and sunny. We did not leave our deluxe campsite! We ate our breakfast, lunch and dinner out there. We read, (I may have knitted a bit!), and relaxed the whole day. We did not do even one touristy thing, and I did not bug Tom to leave the campground at all. Hahahah-that might be a first!

good morning!
beautiful day!
good day to knit a bit
this is the life
cool in the shade
Later in the afternoon, we spotted some rafts cruising down the river. They looked like that were having a great time. The river was flowing fast, but not ridiculously. It really looked like fun!

floating by
having fun
 We just continued to read, chill out and just enjoy the campsite. The view from my lounge chair looking up at the clouds was awesome, and the "cotton" from the cottonwood trees was still flying pretty heavily. It looked like the cloud was disintegrating and falling down to the ground. Not sure if that came out in the picture.

someone is reading
and someone is daydreaming....watching the clouds fall apart
I did manage to do a bunch of laundry...but that is really the only thing I left the campsite for. It was a nice long walk to the laundry room, as it was at the other end of the campground. Thankfully! I really needed the walking! I think of my sisters a lot, but especially when I do laundry, because this is where I keep my quarters! We each have one of these boxes.

my special "sister" box...came with us in the RV!
While relaxing over dinner, a raft floated on by and they were fishing from it! They all seemed to be having fun, and the one guy in the back just kept throwing his line in...desperately. Maybe it was getting too close to dinnertime for him, and he needed to get some fish? 

relaxing after dinner
hey guys!
feverishly fishing
Well, our stay here is ending, but it has been lovely. Can't tell you much about Big Timber, MT, or the surrounding area....but the campsite was great. I even moved my "office" to the window with the best view/audio!! 
my new "office"....with the great view and audio
We are moving on to Yellowstone now, and may have difficulty with internet/cell phone, so no worries if you don't here from us for a while:)

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