Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wupatki National Monument-Day 2..............

A new day.....and we arrived at Wupatki around 7 am! What a difference in temperature. It was still warm, in the 80's, but we were able to actually enjoy our exploration of the ruins. These particular ruins behind the Visitor Center were quite large, and included several "housing structures", a ball field, and a meeting place. Even though the Visitor Center didn't open until 8am, we were still able to access the park and the ruins. We checked with the ranger the day before. It was so worth getting up at very early o'clock!!

quite a large ruin!
the rest of the can see another housing structure, the meeting area, the ballfield, and the surrounding landscape

ready to head down to explore?
Since we were the first visitors at the park (with the exception of one ranger we saw walking around the  ruins), we were able to see some "wildlife"! The lizards were so colorful, and we enjoyed spotting them all over the place. I'm happy to report that we saw NO snakes!

the prettiest lizard I ever saw
big guy!
The ruins were in very good shape, and some even had cooking utensils and grinding stones from back in the day. Since we had the place to ourselves, we weren't distracted by other tourists and could imagine what it must have been like when there was a thriving community here.

quite a large community lived here
cooking "appliances"
so interesting-the structure held up quite well for all these years!
lots of lizards this morning!
a view of the meeting place
so many structures on this site!
We headed down the path to another ruin, which seemed to be in worse shape structurally. Some of the stone seemed to be sliding off in places.

another set of housing ruins
this area didn't hold up as well
wow...check that out!
A little farther down the path, we came upon the meeting area. It was very nicely set up, with plenty of seating all around the perimeter. This area was used for celebrations and ceremonies, among other things.

heading to the community meeting place
ceremonies and meetings held here
plentiful seating
At the end of the paved trail was the ballfield, and the blowhole. The ballfield was a great idea, with the walls keeping those ground balls in the field. Wonder if there were traveling teams, or if the kids from the other ruins we saw played here as well. Seriously!

heading down to the ballfield
I like how the "stadium" is set up....
The blowhole was an interesting feature in the area. We could here the wind coming out of the blowhole, especially since the air was so warm. This feature has spiritual significance to some of the American Indian tribes.

I hear the wind whooshing out!
We headed back up the path to explore the path along the backside of the ruins. A lot of that part was in shade, which we really appreciated because the temperatures were starting to climb already. I'll tell ya, it was worth getting up at 5:30 just to be able to actually enjoy our explorations in the 80 degree weather! Hahah!

heading back to the housing ruins, to explore the backside
pretty landscaping :)
a lot shadier on this side of the ruins
quite a large structure!
lots of rooms here
exploring a little
three stories!
The temps soon zoomed up past 90, but there was only one sets of ruins left for us to explore. We cooled ourselves off in the air-conditioned car as we drove to the ruins, so it was manageable. (Just barely for me!!!) The area is just so interesting though, with the well-preserved ruins of the pueblos in various locations.

okay...its getting pretty hot again

There were several ruins here at this site, and we went to each of them. One was perched up in a box canyon, and was on the small side. Across the small canyon, a much larger pueblo stood. We walked up the hill and around to the entrance of those ruins too.

let's check it out
heading to the box canyon first
looks like a two-room structure perched on the edge of the box canyon
still in pretty good shape
end of trail (for this ruin!)
looking back at the box canyon ruin from across the canyon
heading to the next ruin across the way
this one is a little larger
another view of the "box canyon" ruin
so many more rooms in this other ruin across the way
The views from the ruins were interesting too. You can get a feel for how vast the land is. It also looks pretty harsh to me! Looks like farming would be pretty difficult.

looks like weather is moving in over there
still exploring the larger of the two ruins here in the canyon
another view of the ruin across the canyon  (the two room ruin)
the rock bricks have fallen into this room
A bit farther down the path was another ruin, and we enjoyed the flora and fauna on our way. Once again, young park employees were just setting up for a day of work restoring the ruins. It was so hot....even as they were just starting their workday! Woah!

lots of rabbits in this area
some shade
pretty flowers
heading towards the last ruin here on this site
the park employees just arriving for work...I admire them for being able to work in this heat!
this ruin also looks to be in really good shape!
pretty large too!

This set of ruins was perched alongside what appeared to be a wash. Years ago, water must have flowed through, making this an ideal spot for a pueblo.

perched next to the canyon
lots of interconnecting rooms
I think that this was right next to a wash or river-the rock looks like its eroded from water
Can  you tell where the wash is? Down there where the green is
another view as we headed back to the parking lot
Walking back, we spotted another really pretty lizard! The colors were so striking, and we spent a few minutes trying to photograph it. Don't you just love the yellow hands! We also passed by the same rabbit, who was stretched out in the shade under a tree, similar to what one of our cats used to do. (RIP Speedy).

By 9 am, we were finished with our exploration of the park, and headed back home to hunker down in the air-conditioning. Luckily for us, the late afternoons and evenings are quite pleasant in the shade outside our camper, so we can spend a few hours outside. We've really been enjoying the outdoor TV too!! Its awesome at night...with the cool breeze and our "easy chairs"....hahahahah!  We just have to get through the afternoons, which are hell-ish if you ask me!

oh wait, this is the prettiest lizard I've ever seen!
check out those hands!
we stared at this guy for quite a few minutes!
just love the coloring and the markings....nature's art again!
trying to stay cool! (It is wickedly hot out!)
heading back out of the park....pretty, isn't it?
The key to survival in these parts is to get up and out very early!!! 

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