Thursday, May 12, 2016

Unusual Hiking at Twin Lakes, Lake Mary.............

As per the ranger's suggestion, we set out to hike in the Twin Lakes area in Mammoth Lakes. There are several alpine lakes, rather close together too. The road to get to the trailhead was closed due to snow, but she suggested that it would be really cool to take a walk anyway...on the road that was closed to traffic. There would be no cars on the road....pedestrians only. We really didn't have much choice if we wanted to check out the area and see some of the lakes and waterfalls. Walking was the only way in. So off we went!

a scenic view on the drive over to Mammoth Lakes
and another
heading to Twin Lakes
yes...we hear them too!
a chilly morning at Twin Lakes
this is the start of our hike in to view the lakes
The road went uphill the entire way...and I do mean the entire way! We were able to see that any trail we would have taken was completely snow-covered, so we were just thrilled to be able to do what we did. All told, we had a nice 6 mile hike around the lakes area. Very very nice!

the smell of pine was intoxicating
big foot was here...hope we don't run into him (seriously, that looks like a bear track to me!)
we ran into several others hikers
its really beautiful here
the woods go on forever
there was a bit of snow plowed from the road
this way...we are heading to Lake Mary
the views are so cool
what is that ..... about 10 feet and its May 9th or so
Twin Lakes was beautiful, and at the point where the road closed to traffic, we took the road up to Lake Mary first, and ate our lunch there. It was so peaceful, as you can imagine. We also meandered to Mamie Lake, and kept going until the road was snow-covered at Horseshoe Lake. There were major warning signs regarding CO2 emission at the Horseshoe Lake area (perfectly normal at this time of year, however not too healthy), and that is where we turned around.

Lake Mary...a beauty
its lovely.....but snow covered!
At Lake Mary, we stopped to have our picnic lunch on a bench by the lake. I imagine in the summer, its quite busy....but this day was so peaceful! A joy! We ate near the boathouse, that was completely snowed in. Not sure how short the season is up here? Seems like it will be a while before the snow melts.

boats are out all winter?
woah....the boathouse won't be opening any time soon I see
our lunch spot on Lake Mary
great view!
the edges are starting to melt!
heading to Horseshoe Lake
the birds were everywhere...just chirping away
We could hear the Twin Falls, but could not see them from our vantage point. There was so much snow to get to the trail, and we were very leary since it was on the edge of the mountain. Very disappointing! Off we went though, and continued on our unusual "hike" on the road.

we can hear the Falls, but cannot get to the snow-covered trail safely
Lake Mamie...another little gem tucked away in the mountains here
the altitude is getting to us  (no, not really, we did pretty well with the altitude)
a view of Twin Lakes from above
the White Mountains in the distance
Horseshoe Lake.....warning about the CO2
The road is closed too! Stay out!
oh....why how convenient!
and a "sink" too!
it's all downhill from here Susie!
Didn't see that on the way up! Probably won't be open until July...hahahah
another view of the melting Mamie Lake
the water is so clear
and I'll bet that water is cold!
more boats awaiting the big thaw
by the way, the trees are huge
one last stop at Lake Mary
a nice little spot here on the lake
a place of honor for this Olympian's memory
the snow is starting to melt
looks gorgeous
a close up of the hillside
really neat colors
look what the plow left behind
we had a lovely hike on this road :)
When we got back to Twin Lakes, we walked around them, and can you believe it? We were able to see the Twin Falls from there. How lucky for us! Magnificent too!! The Falls were peeking through the snow. I have never really seen anything like that before. Cool!

back at Twin Lakes
lots of fishermen here
there's Twin Falls! 
peeking through the snow
luscious water!
the ducks are hanging out here
the lake is just so pristine
boats are ready for the fishermen
my idea of heaven
walking around the lake to see if we can get closer to the Twin Falls
lots of work to be done at this campground (reminds me of how much I don't miss shoveling!)
there it is....Twin Falls.....we were up on top there
we couldn't see these falls from up above....the lookout was snowed in and closed
what a beautiful place
As we were driving back home, we remembered that our camping neighbors were going to be going up Tioga Pass as far as allowed. Apparently, the road was part open? They told us it would be so cool to ride through the "snow tunnel" . We thought we'd give it a try too! But, guess what? The road was closed. Not sure where they had gotten their information from, or what they ended up doing for the day, but it wasn't driving through a snow tunnel on Tioga Pass. On our way back down the road though, we stopped at a restaurant/gas station that had an awesome view of Mono Lake from above. We just stopped for the view...ahhaah. The lake is just enormous! 

Mono Lake view
Anyone see High Plains Drifter ('73?)  
view from Tioga Pass (well, just the start of it....the road is closed)
the other side of the is huge
Though some of the activities we thought we would be doing here in this area have been curtailed due to the snow (at  higher elevations), we are enjoying some of those things that would never be experienced in the full-on summer season. We are certainly making the best of our experiences here in the Eastern Sierras! Just beautiful!

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