Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Waterfall Hikes-Glacier Nat'l Park................

The weather in the mountains can be much different than that in the valleys, as we found out on our drive across the park to St. Mary's area 50 miles away. We traveled the Going-to-the-Sun Road to get across the park, and as we hit the mountain passes, we also hit fog. Dense fog. It was a bit unnerving driving through it on such a curvy road, but once we got through the pass, it was as if it was another day! We did get some really cool pictures of the clouds in the valley though.

fog settled in
the cloud looks really pretty once you are through it!
looks like a view from a plane
so cool
one more view
We stopped at a few turnouts along the way to admire the views. The day turned into a really clear, blue sky kind of day!

seems like another day on this side of the pass
just look at that forested valley
with the beautiful waterfalls

get a look at a glacier (will be gone soon)
the glacier in the background
We wanted to hike to Virginia Falls, St. Mary's Falls, and Baring Falls, all from the same parking area. St. Mary's and Virginia Falls is a very popular hike (the easy ones are)! For more information, click here. We lucked out and got parking near the trailhead, and we accessed another trail to get to the Waterfall trailhead.  So, we walked a bit longer to get to the trailhead due to the parking lots being closed, but it worked out great. The trail we started on connected! Lots of the trails intersect, and I always want to be sure we are on the right trail....hahahah....don't want to get lost out there, even though we have maps, GPS, etc!

heading out to the waterfalls
I'm still here!
 We connected to the right trailhead, traveled past St. Mary's Lake, and headed to the St. Mary Falls. It was not to far away, and the water was gorgeous! A little gem in the woods!

beautiful view of St. Mary's Lake
approaching St. Mary's Falls....look at that beautiful water!
the water from the falls heads down this way..down the mountain
Sue at St. Mary's Falls
Tom at St. Mary's Falls
close up
continuing on past St. Mary's Falls
one more picture
what?? Someone's always going for a better view!
 Walking along the trail, a little past St. Mary's Falls, we came across another unnamed falls, which was also really nice.

watch where you are going Susie! No picture taking while you are walking!
lots of mountains to admire  (we are so small...really)!
waterfalls everywhere
heading to Virginia Falls
this is no name falls...its really nice!
love the cascades
I like this waterfall a lot!
good spot to lunch and read a book  
just look at that clear water
ready to go to another waterfall??
 Again, we continued up the trail to Virginia Falls, and passed ANOTHER unnamed waterfall. What a great trail this was! There was a lot of dense underbrush, so we were vigilant clapping and talking loudly. Not Tom's favorite way to hike, but we are in grizzly country and we don't want to surprise a bear now, do we?

time to talk loudly and clap hands
ooooohhh! another waterfall!
"coming around a corner" -clap clap 
approaching another waterfall
another beauty of a waterfall
hard to capture the whole thing
wish you could hear the waterfall... and feel the coolness coming off it
we are such shutterbugs :)
so clear and clean looking (except for those nasty microbes that could get you good and sick)
 Just a little bit farther, and you can see the tall Virginia Falls in the distance. Just beautiful! All of the waterfalls! There are two different areas to view Virginia Falls-upper and lower viewing areas. We went to the upper area first, as it was less crowded. You can really get wet with the spray from the falls! Felt good to me!!

still with me Susie?
this is a gorgeous, refreshing place to view the waterfall
so powerful
close up
 Crossing another bridge over to the lower viewing area, Tom spotted the sign for the bathroom and went to check it out. I am having fun teasing him....checking out every bathroom we come upon in the park!

heading over to the lower viewing area
each part is so nice
a natural stress reducer-just sayin'
flowing down the mountain

hey...might as well take advantage of bathrooms on the trails
Virginia Falls from the lower viewing area
really nice!
I guess we like waterfalls!!
After spending some time at the falls, we turned around for our trek back. The trail was a lot more crowded, and lots of people were singing, using bear bells, clapping and whistling around corners and blind spots. We all smiled at each other as we rounded bends to see each other.  We stopped at another waterfall area we missed on the hike up, and really enjoyed the views. No one was there, so it was really nice and peaceful:)

stay alert now Susie!
another nice spot on the trail down
so peaceful
clear clear water
stepping stones
doesn't that look magical
Back at St. Mary's Falls...
 We decided to take a chance that we could reach the Baring Waterfall from the trail we were on. According to the map we had, it looked like we could. So we went onward. Even if we never found the waterfall, the hike itself was so pretty, with views down to St. Mary's Lake. The gorgeous blue/turquoise color of the glacier lakes are so lovely.

aahhh....hope we aren't going down the wrong trail!
the mountain peaks carved out by the glaciers are really scenic too!
I think this is the right way
there's the lake...so far so good
heading to Baring Falls, we hope
nice walk
staying vigilant
closer to the lake now
these are nice too!
pretty shot of the lake and Virginia Falls in the middle of the woods there-see it?
enjoying the scenic hike
such a pretty lake

are those nests? or moss?
still with me Susie? Are you good here?
making noise
Before too long, we were down at the lake. The lakes are so peaceful, as there is not too much boating going on, at least we haven't observed much. Some kayaks here and there, and the National Park boats, but I think we only saw one personal fishing type boat. 

the boat dock...not too busy...translates too few boats on the lake
really great views of the lake
 The Baring Waterfall was not too far from the lake, and when we got there we noticed there were a lot of people. The shuttle stop was right above the waterfall, and was just a 0.3 mi or so walk down. Easy peasy, so hence the crowd. It was still very enjoyable and I'm glad we found it without getting lost. Hahah.
there's Baring Falls now!
you can't see the crowds from this angle
 On the way back to the lake and the start of our upward trek back to the car, Tom spotted scat right on the trail. We were extra vigilant and made lots of noise we didn't meander at all on this section of the trail. The vegetation was pretty thick. Before long, we were walking on the trail overlooking the lake again, and headed back to where we started. But...we made a wrong turn, climbed up a big long hill....and then realized it didn't look familiar so we retraced our steps and found the right trail. Whew!

uh oh
another view of Virginia Falls across the way
the national park boat-scenic tour
yes, that's Virginia Falls
heading back
just so sweet
After our morning of hiking, we were ready for lunch. We decided to check out St. Mary's Visitor Center, since we were so close, and we stopped at a few overlooks on the way to spot a good place for lunch. We missed a good spot, but instead of turning around, we went to the Visitor Center, and watched the National Park movie. Well, the glaciers ARE melting....and its expected that there will be no more glaciers here by the year 2030. That's only 15 years away! Just sayin' - in case you wanted to see the glaciers here.

Wild Goose Island in the middle of St. Mary Lake
just look at that glacial water color 

this lake is huge
looking for a good spot for lunch
another view of the lake
 At one overlook, we read the interesting sign about the Triple Divide Peak. Very interesting! The water (from rain, snow) travels to three different areas from this peak-Pacific Ocean, Hudson Bay, and Gulf of Mexico. We are all connected:)

fascinating...Triple Divide Peak

glaciers left their mark on the mountains
 After the Visitor Center, we were really hungry! We found a parking spot at a scenic overlook. The views of St. Mary's Lake and Wild Goose Island. Its a very popular photo stop! We "pulled up a chair" and ate our lunch with that beautiful view. I know I've said it before, we may not have the greatest lunches, but we do have the best "tables" with a view! Its the little things...really!!

our lunch spot
great spot for a tuna sandwich
or peanut butter
 On the way back home, I took some pictures of the views from the Going-to-the-Sun Road, which are outstanding. Looks like a painting. This is a beautiful National Park....also known as the "Crown Jewel" of the National Parks. (I think the national parks are all great)!!!!!

waterfall on the side of the Going-to-the-Sun Road
look at the view from Logan Pass (can see hikers on the Highline Trail)
the start of the Highline Trail
switchback at Logan Pass
see the hikers on the Highline Trail?
see the hikers now?
cute little guy
well hello there!
the views are amazing
more views from the road
view of the road
an amazing ride 
very narrow road
 Our camping neighbor recommended we check out the lodges in the park, as they are quite something. So, on the way back home, we did stop at Lake McDonald Lodge. Very nice. We like rustic. The views out the back were the best. We went down to the lake and enjoyed the view. Another beautiful day!

the first lodge we are visiting in the park
the doorman?
not too crowded right now
the outside is really nice too
look at how calm the water is
very very peaceful

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