Friday, March 13, 2015

Still in Phoenix..................

We are still in Phoenix, enjoying the beautiful sunsets and the warm winter! I have to say that as much as I love the (NJ) winters, the living has been so easy here. No winter coats, ice or snowstorms to worry about. Hhmm. We have been enjoying the campground, with all of the many activities and super nice people here. This is a crafter's paradise...never a dull moment and there aren't enough hours in the day for all of it. And the sunsets??? Just beautiful!

finished the puzzle Jo!
sunset show
sunset show
end of the sunset show
After Tom's surgery, we extended our stay here but had to move our campsite to another location. This is our third campsite in this campground. All of the site are good. Check out some of our new neighbors! Haha. We see many more quail at this end of the park. They are a riot to watch...walking as fast as they can, usually in groups of 10-12. We often sit outside watching the sunset show and then knitting watching that outdoor TV. We are really happy to have that! What a treat. We "have the life" right now, and we are enjoying every minute of it.

a couple more....they were all running so it wasn't easy to get the pics
skywatching at our new campsite
really enjoying the nice evenings outside
Fighter form Luke AFB on our way to the White Tanks
Recently we experienced a pretty good rainfall, and we thought we'd be able to see the waterfall at the White Tank Mountains. The very next day after the rain, we went to the trail first thing in the morning to check it out. As we walked the trail, we noticed there was not one drop of water in the "river" next to the trail. Wow, the flowers have bloomed nicely though! So, on we went, still thinking we'd see a nice waterfall. There were quite a few other hikers as well, and I noticed all had cameras with them. We were all on the hunt for that waterfall!

What? No water in the river?
awesome flowers though
almost at the waterfall
just through these rocks...but I don't hear anything Susie!
Just abut there
There it is...hard to see.If you look in the middle of the picture, you can see a ripple made by the trickle of a waterfall, which you can't really see. We have deduced that this waterfall, and river must be another story during monsoon season. We surely won't be here in the summer, so we just enjoyed the hike!

see the ripple in the water?
the water starts from up there
and just trickles down....and I do mean trickles
its pretty anyway
okay...we saw the waterfall!
even though it was a bit "light" .....hahahah
hey, some water pooled really did rain a lot here
We really enjoy this park, and the views
lots of shade here
On our way out of the park, dark clouds started forming and moving in rapidly. The weather can really change quickly, and even though the sky is blue and the sun is shining in one part of the park, another part can be experiencing a rain shower.

weather moving in
We have so thoroughly enjoyed the "sunset show" every night. Its especially nice when there are a lot of clouds. I know....too many sunset shots on this blog. They are all different though:)

nice clouds
Its getting to be springtime in the desert and blooms are coming out. There are prickly pears everywhere in this area, but this is the only one I've seen with flowers! Its around the corner from our camper. Its quite the photographer's stop!

Even though its quite warm during the day (and getting warmer every day), the evenings are nice and cool. We especially enjoy it when there is a nice breeze. Okay, a few more pictures of the clouds during the sunset show. Enjoy!

just swaying in the breeze
enjoying another sunset
the whole sky lights up, especially when its cloudy

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