Who knew recuperating could be so much fun! Tom is feeling great, which is really what makes it fun. He is concentrating on walking and eating....the basics......and in between he's reading, taking an online astronomy course, and playing with the quad copter! There is a camera on the 'copter, and its really cool to watch those videos when we get back to the camper. Its not easy to control the 'copter yet but with practice some of the stress of possibly landing in a tree or on a roof will be gone. Hahah. Let the fun begin!!! Check out the pictures below for a glimpse of some of the fun Tom is having with that thing! He even let me try it, and I JUST missed having it land in a tree. Yikes!! I quickly gave the controls back to the pilot:)
What have I been doing? Well, besides my normal knitting, I am working on a charity project here at the campground. A whole bunch of us are crocheting sleeping mats for the homeless using plastic bags, which are cut up into strips. There are many many homeless people here in Phoenix, and the mats protect them from the elements. Its also a great way to recycle those millions of plastic bags. I've observed that most people don't use reusable shopping bags like we did in NJ-not sure why. Anyway, it makes me feel good to put some of my craft skills to use to actually help someone else and recycle at the same time. There are so many of us doing this project, we should have a ton of sleeping mats completed soon. Lots of crafters here....!
I've mentioned before-we are staying in a 55+ campground with a ton of amenities that are keeping me busy as well. This is a crafter's paradise! Hahah! I've been busy in ceramics but I'm giving that up because.....I have just started beading. No time to do it all. There is so much to do, and so many free classes right here. I even took a card making class. Fun!!
Leaf plates for the fall |
valentine box |
Christmas plate |
Turkey plate and candlestick holders |
samples from the card making class |
my first bead creation here |
My across-the-street-neighbor is pretty crafty as well, and just made a name sign for her camper using wood and painted letters. I, of course, thought that was a great idea and used it to create a sign for our camper as well. I did mine using a woodburning technique though...another new to me craft. The learning continues....
For Valentine's Day, we did a little something different. Instead of going out to dinner (since Tom can't yet eat a full dinner yet) we went to the White Tank Mountains to watch the sunset over Phoenix. Beautiful! As usual, the photos don't do it justice at all. You have to come see this for yourself. From our vantage point, we could see the tall buildings in Phoenix turn a blazing red. For a few minutes, we though maybe they were lights turned on...but no...it was the reflection of the sunset.
waiting for the sunset show |
White Tank Mountain Park-library parking lot |
can you see the glowing buildings in the background? |
beautiful sky |
the sun sets behind that mountain that is behind me |
southwest sunset |
nice |
more |
the library...right next to the park...and the views from inside the library are great!! Tons of cacti out the large windows! |
over the mountain |
beyond |
nice, huh? |
That's about all from us for now. We will be continuing on the road to total recovery for the next couple of weeks. We are thankful to be in sunny, warm Phoenix, where it is much easier to recuperate. In NJ, we would be walking in subzero temps with snow, I believe. (I confess right here...as much as I LOVE the cold weather, the living sure is easy in a warm climate!)
Tom is so looking forward to eating a nice steak! Soon!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
my Valentine |
is there chocolate in here?? |
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