Thursday, December 18, 2014

The little things.......

Tucson's 4th Avenue Fair is a huge street fair happening annually in December and in the Spring. It is quite large, the largest in Tucson, covering about 4 city blocks or so. Many of the artists selling their wares are at the booths, and you can talk to them about their pieces.

Of course, there is plenty of entertainment throughout, as well as all kinds of food. Lemonade and Barbeque, Indian fry bread and fruit on a was all available and delicious. Especially the fry bread.

Since we knew parking would be an issue, and this is not really Tom's thing at all, I took the bus from our campground and went by myself. It was great! I may have scored a really nice silver bracelet! I also brought back some Arizona seasonings for our barbecues, and some fry bread for  Tom us to ease my guilt over my purchase. Haha. Anyway, I just took a few random pictures there to capture the feel. I was afraid to use my camera actually, because so many of the booths had a sign up requesting no photos be taken. (The artists don't want to see their stuff knocked-off and in Walmart next week)!

took random pics....had no idea that stroller held a dog!
it was pretty crowded for a Friday afternoon 
with random entertainment everywhere
you never know what you will see or hear
this was a colorful tent! Most had photos...
The fair was about 3-4 city blocks long, plus side streets 
fun times
the crowds all seemed to move in the same direction, which was nice
The sunrises and sunsets here in Tucson are something to see. Some are more spectacular than the others, but they are all great. Once back from the street fair, we were hanging around outside and saw a really good one! The whole sky seems to have streaks of color, and you can see it because there are no trees or hills or tall buildings to block the view. It really is magnificent....I just can't seem to capture it in a photo.

check out this sunset
can't get the whole sky at once...but its amazing
view down our street
just glorious!
The next morning, really bad weather was expected in Tucson, so I got up with the sun so I could take a walk (remember, the fry bread?? ) before the rain came.  Everyone was buzzing about the bad weather we were on target for....rain for a few hours and cold (58 degrees). I really wanted to walk, so like I said, I started out and after about 15 minutes, I turned the corner and saw the biggest rainbow I've ever seen. I ran back to the RV to get my camera.  I could not get the whole thing in the frame....ugh. About that wide lens...hmm! Anyway, I did the best I could. I even went in and woke Tom up to  come out and see. Lots of others were coming out of their campers and houses to check it out and snap a photo or two. Of course, I just kept clicking away myself. It was a sight! Who expects to see a rainbow in the desert? We were very lucky.

what??? why did you wake me up?
check THAT out!  
so bright too
that is really how bright it was
so vibrant
what a great show
About an hour later, we did get the rain...which is also a sight in the desert. Okay...well....I'll admit it...we even turned the heat on in the camper during the day!! It was one of those raw days to hunker down with something warm to drink, and read or blog or knit (or do some electronics) get the picture. We had a big hot lunch and before you know it, the rain let up and it was just cold. Well, relatively.(Hahahah...and I claim to be a winter girl!).

I did venture out to the library here at the campground. At each place we stay, I like to read a good mystery set in the location we are staying. The author I found that writes mystery books set in Tucson is J.A. Jance. I am just about finished with "Queen of the Night" and so I picked up a couple more of her books.

When we were in Wyoming-Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons-I was reading some books by C.J. Box. The one I really liked was "The Back of Beyond", about murders happening in a backcountry trailride/campout.  Ooooo.........scary one!  In Lake Powell, I was reading Nevada Barr's book "The Rope", set in Glen Canyon. Also scary and creepy-but realistic. I read another mystery when we were in the Black Hills, but the book name escapes me. All these books are really entertaining, no matter where you read them, but are especially chilling when you read them in the area.

Its the little things! A beautiful sunset... An amazing rainbow... A big hot cup of tea...A scary book...(some chocolate would have been good too!)....heaven!

not too bad!!

the "rain" let its "cold"

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