Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Holiday week...........

Christmas was very different this year for us. We don't usually hang out at the pool and swim outside on Christmas Eve, or walk around looking at Christmas lights on campers on Christmas night. It was a good distraction for us though, since we weren't going to be with our family.

There are many snowbirds here, some have been here for a few months already. Many more are expected right after the holidays. Everyone is nice, and friendly....we even went to a Christmas Eve extravaganza late in the afternoon at a new friend's place (campsite) with friends we met at the Chili Dinner. We are having fun and learning a lot from others...where to go, how to get there, where to stay, etc. Priceless info.

its nice and warm in the sun
aahhh....this is the life!
where are you going Tom?
catching a few laps.....the water is heated....much warmer than the air temp!
We did have a great visit with Jess/Andrew and Chris on Christmas Eve using Facetime. It was almost like being there, as they opened their Christmas stockings (aka U.S. Post Office boxes filled with stuff). We had some laughs, and really enjoyed the fun. I was even able to take some pics of the kids, which I know they were just thrilled about!

crossfit shirt for Chris
warm and soft fleeces for Jess and Andrew
Sadie in her new sweater...checking out the treats
the "sunset show" on Christmas Eve
kidney stone...under medical care now 
Christmas Eve ....just a little prepping in the kitchen 
We had a festive Christmas morning....eating a spiced coffee cake for breakfast instead of oatmeal and yogurt. Haha! The day was pretty chilly, especially when the sun went behind the clouds.  It was so cold, my newly purchased Christmas cactus dropped all its buds. Can you believe that? Later on Christmas Day we were able to Facetime with my parents/sisters and families....which was also great. Too bad we couldn't share in the desserts though....they were so close, yet so far. Hahahah. Great to see everyone though!!

Christmas breakfast.....a treat :)
cheese-y stick on decorations in our side window.....
Look....the buds fell off! I just can't believe it!!!
and it was getting a lot of sun....not sure what happened there
a cloudy and cool Christmas Day  (doesn't Tom look good?!)
only got "dressed up" for Facetime with the family, then back to this lovely outfit....hahahah
bad picture of holiday lights at a campsite near us-the campground was really quite festive! 
dressing warm to go walk around the campground and check out the holiday lights
Baby its COLD outside!
For various reasons, we've been sticking close to the campground this holiday week. We've been enjoying the campground and all the activities available to us here. Some days I'm not sure what to do first! Hahaha! Without boring you to tears, let me just say that Morning Stretch (outside on a deck under heat lamps similar to the ones at the train stations in NJ) and ceramics are my absolute favorites! I am also trying to learn patience (and keep my brain sharp-ha!) by doing jigsaw puzzles outside. I've done 2 already-without any help from Tom I might add. (He's just not into it)! I'm getting pretty good. Hahaha. 

working outside...its warm in the sun
nice! (Thanks Mom!)
Another day...another puzzle
actually this one took 2 days to finish
watching football (would be better with a campfire to keep us warm!)
my "ceramic" creation......a hot plate trivet thingy
Tom is getting a lot of reading done over this holiday week, and he frequents the library. He usually walks, since its only down the campground road. I rode my bike over the other day to return a couple of books and pick up a new one. The library is pretty good!! Two levels! Anyway, on my way back, I cut the corner too sharp while trying to wing down the handicap ramp into the street and I wiped out! Just like a 10 year old. My hand was bleeding, and had rocks in it. I skinned my knee and cut my elbow.....all the same injuries a kid routinely gets !! It was deja vu from a time long ago. Ugh! I'm not used to the annoying pain of picking out pebbles from my hand and knee. Hahah. It hurts! Anyway, I'm glad Tom didn't witness that debacle....haahahah.

So, we haven't been hiking much lately...... but today we went for a short hike in White Tank Mountain Park. It is a state park in Maricopa County, and we were so impressed with it. It gets a lot of use, at least during winter break, and there are tons of picnic spots and bathrooms all along the road that meanders through the park. There were a lot of saguaros too!! We even spotted the rarer crested saguaro. We were pleasantly surprised with the amount of saguaros everywhere-we read that they mostly grow in southern Arizona (Tucson) and northern Mexico, though we see them randomly in the Phoenix area.

White Tank Mountain
White Tank Mountain
we have arrived at the park
a fun trail-very popular
its still a bit chilly 
go that way my friend......
lots of cacti
and petroglyphs
really cool petroglyphs
more petroglyphs
warming  up now-sure wish I remembered my hat-the sun is wicked
"buds" on the cactus
the waterfall is up there
almost at the waterfall now
just up ahead
the water flows from the top there
almost there
the pool....no waterfall today though
you can see where the waterfall would be
more petroglyphs...lots here in this area!
how cool is that one?
another scene at the park
a crested saguaro!
see the top!
so cool-and not so common!
the desert
what a fun day in the park!
yes-lots of fun!