Sunday, May 18, 2014

New time zone, new landscape.....

Traveled across South Dakota today and gained an hour. I like that! Its amazing how much farmland, fields, pastures, and space there is in this country! Here's what it looks like traveling through South Dakota on I-90. The landscape changes so much, especially once west of the Missouri River:
farmland in South Dakota

South Dakota I-90

Coming up on the Missouri River

We stopped at the visitor center at the Missouri River to stretch our legs and check it out. I must read up on Lewis and Clark when I am sitting around the campfire later! 

Park like setting at this rest stop

Who's that good-lookin' guy?

Missouri River


What?? And I'm wearing sandals today since its above freezing!

Once past the Missouri River, the landscape changes to rolling hills. There are so many signs for tourist attractions along the highway as well, especially for Wall Drugs. The signs get pretty funny. I'm sure it breaks up the ride for kids (and me!). 

getting hilly

cool hills...reminds me of Iceland a little

Hay...getting ready for the hot summer

Cattle farm
White cows (or steers)

Okay....did we land on the moon? No....we are in Badlands National Park. For more info, click here. Check out some of these shots as we were driving through to get to our campsite. And yes, Tom was driving the rig through on this windy, hilly road. I was white knuckled, and I was the passenger! 

in the distance....what is that?


Tom-focused on driving 

check that out

looks like sand castles from a distance

driving through the Badlands Nat'l Park for a bit

Nice curve and hill! We're winging by in the big RV! WEEEEEEEE!

cool, huh?

 It is truly otherworldly! We had to drive through a bit of the National Park to get to our campsite. It is right outside the park, about 4 miles. There is nothing around....except grasslands, cows, and these rock formations. Oh, and a few other campers. Its still early in the season. 

our new neck of the woods

Campground is around that butte

and down the road a little

here's the campground now!

Food shopping (hhmmm, little different from Costco!)

More pics of the Badlands to come as we explore a little more in the next few days.  


  1. Am just loving your blog!! We are on the last night of our mini-road trip in Johnstown PA...tomorrow we visit the flood museum and ride the incline 900 ft up to look out over the Johnstown Valley...then home after that...I have really gotten into this 'road trip' and don't want to go home :-( Glad you are having such a great time!!!!

    1. Sounds like you guys are really enjoying your trip! Can you talk David into a few more days? hahaha.
