Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Here we go......

The maiden voyage in our new home. How very exciting for us! After years of planning, we are on our way to this new lifestyle called "Full-timing". We are selling our house, affectionately termed a "stick n' brick, and living and traveling full time in our RV. Our new abode may be small, but it has everything we need. And the backyard!! That will be the most amazing, as it will change every few weeks as we criss-cross the country. Please note that for us, this phase of our lives is only possible thanks to modern technology such as cell phones and internet. I don't think we could leave our family and friends without being able to communicate so easily and frequently. So, with that, let me show you some pictures of our new place....we are still learning, so each day gets better and better as we are able to figure out how to  use things, like the radio! And the heat....its been freezing at night, literally. We don't want any water lines freezing. 

                                                    parked for our first night in the RV

                                                    our first meal....cereal for dinner....
the great room (LR/DR/Kit)

                                                         outside entertainment area

                                                                 comfortable bedroom

                                            first meal using the new kitchen: Pasta Primavera

full bath

See... pretty nice,  huh? Certainly not camping, that's for sure. We have been on the road now for almost 2 weeks, in Virginia, spending time visiting with our kids, hiking, and visiting some historic sites. I'll save that for the next post. 

"Enjoy the view along the way - Life is full of exquisite diversions"


  1. Outstanding!! LOVED the pictures...what a wonderful life :-) I so look forward to 'sharing' your journey with you. PS. I tried to subscribe, but there is something wrong with the link :-(

    1. Hi Donna
      I moved the link "follow by email". It's right above "blog archive" on the right hand side of the page. Hope it works now. I tested on myself and it worked:)

  2. It looks wonderfull!! You must be having so much fun. Thinking of you while I'm here in sunny, hot Arizona.

  3. Have a great time Helen! See you in May?

  4. What?? No salmon for dinner? Looks amazing Sue! Enjoy every minute (I know you will)!

    1. Can't seem to find a Costco for my salmon supply...hahaha!

  5. I'm so excited for you two! I love the virtual tour of your new home on wheels; especially the full bath! I'm going to miss you but reading your blog will help. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Linda! Cute pic of you and Puffy!

  6. It looks fabulous. I am so happy to see you fulfill your dream. Enjoy and keep those blog posts coming!

  7. David says he LOVES Tom's outdoor entertainment center :-) And I was able to subscribe...your new home is beautiful!!
