Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall in full force.................

Fall is in full swing, and we are enjoying the colorful foliage and the fresh harvests. The day before leaving for a week in NJ, we relaxed at our campsite and read our books watched football while enjoying a nice warm acorn squash dish. It was steaming hot and tasted really good. Perfect for the chilly weather.

the best acorn squash dish!
steaming hot dish to warm us up
Hhmmm....must be half-time
As usual, we had a packed agenda for our week in NJ, and we were really looking forward to seeing everyone. The fall foliage was spectacular along the drive, and NJ was "peak". How lucky we were able to catch the colors in their prime! It was icing on the cake, so to speak. Our week went very well, considering all of the appointments we had, most of which were medical and not fun. The highlights, of course, were visiting friends and family. SOOOOO great to see everyone! (Sorry no pics to share here).

lunch on the road ....sweet potato, kale, tomato, lentils....really really good!
ummm...that's good too?  (foregoing solid food for a few days before a Dr. visit)
I know that some of you that read this blog have never been to NJ, and have no desire to based on a preconceived notion that it is, well, not the nicest....and I just want to let you know that it is not all pavement, crime and traffic here. Its actually quite nice! Best of all, the shore (beach) and the big city (NY) are all within an easy drive of just about anywhere in the state. Just sayin'. Maybe you want to put it on your travel list? 

heading out to appointments in NJ
the pumpkin patch still has a few pumpkins left
lovely scenery along the highways and byways in NJ
heading to Motor Vehicles to renew a license
The week back in NJ just flew by (miss my friends and family already!), and before we knew it, we were back "home" in Virginia. Just in time for another football game! The games echoed throughout the campground, with most people watching outside. It seemed like everyone was watching football! (Except our neighbor, who was into Nascar, and me-reading).

Football fan! Go Giants!
Since the weather forecast for the week is not the best, we decided to go apple-picking our first afternoon back home. We had a great time, especially since two very special people came along with us! What a perfect fall afternoon.

enjoying an excursion with our grandson (and daughter!)
Staying warm in Grandpa's arms
what a fun afternoon!
enjoying the views
so pretty
I've never seen so many white pumpkins
these are all pretty big too!
love the red (hoping its not poison oak or sumac!)
next year's apples starting up
There were all sorts of varieties of apples in different sections of the orchard, but some were already picked with not an apple left on the tree. Actually, we thought we were out of luck with the apple picking-there seemed to be no apples left. Ah. We hit paydirt in the Granny Smith section, and came out with a nice bag of "fresh from the tree" apples.

lots of apples here
Tom getting the highest apples
oh so many apples!
here's another good one
don't they look great? 
this section is just about empty of apples
we followed the sign to the Granny's....(how appropriate!)
the view over Charlottesville
Blue Ridge Mountains (or Shenandoah?)
the vineyards
Apple cider donuts! Oh boy....where is my will power?
The weather is starting to chill up a bit, with lots of nights in the 30's and 40's. Though the chilly days feel great to me, it is a signal that we need to start thinking about hitting the road again soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Humpback Rocks.............

The leaves are changing so dramatically every single day. The temps are cooling off and the hiking trails are calling to us. So....we set out early one morning to go apple-picking before hitting the trails.

Colorful campground!
heading out to enjoy the day
Being that we are retired, and every day is Saturday, we totally forgot about Columbus Day and the fact that kids would be off from school. That was the day we decided to go apple picking! The weather was just gorgeous. However, once we arrived, there was not a parking spot to be had. And there were tons and tons of kids. So, we turned around and put that on the back burner for another day, and headed out to Shenandoah National Park.

Carter Mountain Orchards
oh my....the huge parking lot was full!
and more folks were coming up the mountain for apple picking
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a leaf peeper's delight. Still very early in the season, the trees were putting on quite the show. Lots of yellows and some red and orange as well. We decided to hike a very popular trail - Humpback Rocks. You can actually see the Humpback Rocks from the road. In the old days, the wagon trains used them as a landmark in their travels.

our new destination
the views are gorgeous-gently rolling mountains
lots of early fall color
We tried this trail last year (, and the rocks up were just too slippery for us so we turned around. If we had known that we were almost at the top then, we would have continued. Hindsight! For more information on this trail, click here and here.

our hiking destination
there it seen from the parking lot
a close up of our hiking destination
let's go back to the Visitor Center for lunch
 We were able to snag a parking space at the trailhead, but we wanted to eat our picnic lunch before heading out. The trail goes steeply up, and we decided it would be best to be fueled up before heading out. The Visitor Center was not too far away, and it was a nice walk through the small farmstead to get to the picnic area.

a great day for a picnic
the garden at the farmstead
looking out across the fields
walk this way
Actually, it was a good leg stretcher before doing the straight up steep climb to Humpback Rocks. Though only 0.8 miles, it is an arduous hike (for me). Right from the very beginning, the trail gains elevation quickly. We took frequent stops to catch my breath snap a photo of our beautiful surroundings. took us an hour  (though admittedly I'm the ball and chain-hahah)
the parking lot was full but we snagged a spot!
natural beauty
the elevation is fast and furious - see the parking lot below-
heading up
catching my breath
no photo enhancement...this is the real thing
great views
you know the trail is rigorous if Tom breaks a sweat and takes his hat off!
still going up
Before long, we approached the beginning of the rock scrambling. There were some stairs in some spots, but there were also many rocks, with lots of slippery mud, making the hike up slow and a little bit scary. The trail was quite crowded and everyone just took their time and enjoyed the challenge. I did not take too many pictures of that part of the was a little dangerous for me.  You can get the idea from the easy part that I was able to photograph.

heading for the rocks
not too bad here-it gets much much worse
still not too bad...very steep but at least its not slippery here
past the worst of the slippery rocks
just about there!
What was I thinking? I had no idea that the end of the trail would give a look out to the valley below so suddenly! Once at the end of the trail, we approached the outcroppings of the Humpback Rocks! There were a ton of other hikers hanging out and relaxing on this beautiful. Oh brave one was hunkered down at the very first rock....unable to climb to the very top and enjoy the view from there. I was very satisfied though! It was beautiful. Tom went the extra steps to the edge of the outcroppings - my hero!

The end of the trail....lets you out at the rocks! Didn't realize it would be so abrupt!!
A little scary for me! How do people do it?
the view was awesome
another little peek
view of the valley below
this is as close as I can manage
Tom joining the other hikers
Tom catching the view from the top (without the ball and chain)
heading back down from Humpback Rocks
We were not looking forward to traversing DOWN the steep slippery muddy rock section, so we decided to take the much longer route (2.9 miles) down the other side via the Appalachian Trail. It was a great decision. The trail had numerous switchbacks and meandered through the woods in all its glory. We shared the trail with just a few other hikers who were going up. Apparently, most people would rather tackle the steep climb up and down (0.8mi each way) rather than the more gentle, though much longer, hike along the Appalachian Trail.

going UP to the Appalachian Trail
much easier trail
following the white trail markers now
woah...look at that tree (cancer ?)
oh Hi! Yes, I'm still with you
lots of switchbacks, but very well marked
tree disease
I like the long way...
some color everywhere
had the trail mostly to ourselves the entire way
nice, huh?
enjoying all of the views
heading down through the mountain laurel
whew...working up a sweat!
definitely not nearly as steep as the way up
a nice flat straightaway
some adventure
still on the right trail
this wood was just gorgeous!
Tom used his mapping program to ensure we were going to end up at the parking lot and it  worked! We were very happy to see the sign for the correct parking lot. Technology!

oh good....we are in the right place!
lots of fallen trees on this section of the Appalachian trail...someone nicely cut through them!
crazy growth of that tree....wonder what made it angle like that
When we finished the hike, we drove just a bit further along the Blue Ridge Parkway to enjoy a few more views before heading back home. What a beautiful day!

mesmerizing view
soaring over the mountains
colors were striking no matter where we looked (surprising for so early in the season)
nice views
had the Blue Ridge to ourselves!
lovely road
The next day, we spent most of the day at Jack's. Then, back at the campground for dinner, we had a special guest visitor, and his parents, to our "home". It was Jack's first visit to Grandma's and Grandpa's! I guess I was too carried away with holding Jack that I totally forgot about taking pictures of him at his first outing to our place. Haha! We had a delicious meal and enjoyed the early fall evening and the gorgeous colors! Between the leaves and the cloudy dusk sky, it seemed all the colors of the rainbow were represented. We are enjoying the fall here in Virginia!

could not exactly capture the intensity of the colors  (sky vs treetops)
steak and peppers tonight....our guests are inside at the moment!